Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2292: Write a love letter to her (3)

But Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to listen anymore, so he interrupted him.

"Well, it's time to go to class. Hurry up and go back."

Feng Tianqi glanced at the podium, "No, the teacher hasn't come yet."

As soon as the words fell, the teacher came in.

Feng Tian Qi had no choice but to turn around.

"Let's talk to you after class."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Although she cares about the life and death of the kitten, she really doesn't want to be related to Feng Shengyang.

She seemed to be able to foresee the consequences of Yin Shaojie's jealousy.


Student Union Building.

Meeting room.

The atmosphere was a bit treacherous, and the ministers of each major department looked at each other, and they stopped talking.

In the chairperson in front, Yin Shaojie didn't know if he had listened to their report. With one hand on his chin, his black eyes were lowered, as if he was thinking deeply.

According to their understanding of the chairman, the chairman is definitely not in a daze, he must be thinking about something important.

Under the excuses of others, the Secretary-General was unable to speak.

"President, the work is all done."

Yin Shaoyi raised his head, and the deep black eyes looked around at the people, and suddenly asked, "Who have you written a love letter?"

Everyone froze.

love letter?

Does it mean that today's biggest gossip, Han Qiqing received a lot of love letters?

The boys present all expressed their positions.

"President, I didn't write."

"Chairman, I didn't write either."

Yin Shaoji always felt that they answered the wrong question. In the eyes of the previous person, the person panicked and hurriedly explained, "Chairman, I really didn't write a love letter to Qi Qing, I really didn't."

They did read the wrong question.

Yin Shaoji said, "It's not about Qiqing, it means literally. Whoever wrote a love letter, raise your hand."

Everyone looked at each other, and someone raised his hand hesitantly.

"Girls are counted," Yin Shaoji added.

Some girls also raised their hands.

Yin Shaoyi continued to ask, "I have raised my hand after receiving a love letter."

One after another raised their hands.

Yin Shaojiu said to a person next to him who hadn't raised his hand, "You go out and close the door outside, and then keep the door behind, don't let anyone in."

The man froze and thought he had done something wrong.

He hasn't written a love letter and hasn't confiscated it. Is there anything wrong with that?

Seeing that he didn't move, Yin Shaojiao frowned and said, "Go! What are you still doing?"

"Uh, oh." The man scratched his head and went out.

The remaining people continued to stare at each other, wondering what the chairman was going to do.

Yin Shaoxu knocked on the table, glanced at his eyes, and said, "The content of the meeting now is to discuss how to write a love letter."

Everyone is stingy.

Why discuss writing a love letter?

However, the authority of the chairman cannot be questioned.

Everyone nodded in unison, indicating that they understood.

Yin Shaoji said, "Let's start with the person who wrote the love letter. The person who wrote the love letter by hand before, and talk about how you all wrote it."

This topic is a little embarrassing and shameless, and no one dares to be the first.

In the end, Yin Shaojiu nominated someone.

The boy scratched his head and said, "This ... the love letter I wrote was searched online. I felt that the girl would like that romantic and artistic sentence, so I copied it."

At this moment, someone wondered, "Will you copy the sentence from the Internet so that it does not appear to be sincere?"

A girl said, "That is to say, this looks very dishonest! Anyway, I don't like it."

Another girl echoed, "Yeah, of course you have to write your own love letter."

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