Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2295: Stolen her love letter (2)

"I don't know if something good happened at school. Will the contents of the box be gifts for the lady?"

The steward smiled and said, "Should it?"

At this moment, a cold, tall figure walked into the door.

Only the servant at the door called, "Master, you are back."

The steward and servant also responded and turned to bow.

The steward stepped forward to follow, and Huihui reported, "Miss is back. It looks good today. Holding a box, I don't know what's inside."

"Well." The cold man answered indifferently.

The steward asked, "Master, are you going to have dinner now?"

"Let's have dinner."

The housekeeper motioned to the maid and asked the maid to go to the kitchen to order meals. Then he was ready to ask another maid to go upstairs to ask the lady to come down for dinner.

At this moment, the man said, "No, I'll call her."

The housekeeper paused.

The man had turned upstairs and walked to Han Qiqing's room.

In the room.

Han Qiqing casually threw the bag on the sofa, and opened the box on the coffee table and pulled out the love letter inside.

So many love letters ~~~

This is the first time she has received so many love letters, and within a day!

Han Qiqing felt like he had a very unreal day.

She picked up a love letter and planned to take it apart.

She endured it for a day, just waiting to take it home, and then watch slowly when she was alone.

What to do, so excited!

What will be written in the love letter?

Han Qiqing's eyes glowed with anticipation. After all, there are no girls who don't love books. Even if she doesn't respond, of course, she will be happy to see how others write about herself.

Her hand touched the mouth of the envelope and took a deep breath.

Just before the envelope was opened, the door was pushed open.

Han Qiqing was startled and reacted as if he had been hit by a bad thing, and quickly hid the love letter behind him.

As soon as she looked up, she saw her brother.

This frightened her twice.

"Uh, brother ... you, are you back? Yes, is there anything?"

The elder brother looked at her, his deep eyes seemed to be exploring something, and asked straightforwardly, "What are you hiding behind?"

Of course, Han Qiqing also knew that his posture was too obvious.

She smiled awkwardly, "No, nothing ... you came in suddenly and you were scared."

She tucked the envelope under her butt.

However, she forgot that there was still a box of love letters in front of her.

"what is this?"

The elder brother's gaze fell on the box, and as soon as his long arm was extended, he had to get it.

Han Qiqing's heart stopped frightening.

"Nothing! Don't take it!" She stood up abruptly, but accidentally stung to the table, making a squeaking noise, especially loud.


it hurts!

But Han Qiqing paid more attention to the love letter in his brother's hand, and rushed back when he was unprepared.

Throw the love letter into the box and close the box.

"Brother, this is a student union thing, and it can't be shown to outsiders!" She said seriously.

Brother's gaze fell on where she had just been hit. "Doesn't your knee hurt?"

As soon as he was reminded, Han Qiqing remembered such a thing, his face was wrinkled in pain, and he fell on the sofa, rubbing his poor knee.

"Woohoo, it hurts ..."

"Let me see." He didn't know when to get around.

"No need, no more, just hit it, a little bit of pain." Han Qiqing subconsciously avoided, worried that he would go to see the contents of the box.

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