Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2297: Stolen her love letter (4)

He took out the hair dryer, sat on the sofa and blew his hair, blowing his eyes and squinting at the table again.

I always feel like something is missing ...

With a lost expression on her face, she continued to blow her hair, the warm hot wind, accompanied by the whistling wind.

and many more!

She suddenly froze.


What about the box she put here?

A box full of love letters too!

Han Qiqing was aggressive, and his mind suddenly became empty.

Her subconscious feeling is that it would not be a dream to receive a love letter?

Put down the hairdryer and think about it.

its not right.

Not a dream!

In order to prove that it was not a dream, Han Qiqing quickly found out his mobile phone and sent a message to Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Little, I received a love letter today, right? A lot of love letters, right? Tell me quickly, I'm not dreaming!"

Waited a few minutes, Xiao Xiao may be busy there, I did n’t see the phone, so I did n’t reply.

She was embarrassed to ask other people, so she had to wait.

After a while, Little responded.

"Is your reflection arc too long? It's not a dream. You really received a lot of love letters, a lot, a lot! Hurry up and take a look. Remember to tell me the results!

Han Qiqing repeatedly read the small reply several times before confirming that the love letter was true.

Mainly because she had just taken a shower and was smoked by the heat for a while, her ability to think was somewhat reduced.

Since the love letter is true.

So that means ...

Han Qiqing stared blankly at the empty desktop and finally reacted.

-Her love letter is gone!

Got a thief?


With so many domestic servants and bodyguards, how could a thief get in?

Besides, how can a thief steal a love letter?

That's not the case, that is ... who was taken away?

This whole Han family, except her, only one person dares to touch her things.


Han Qiqing was lost.

So it was my brother who stole her love letter?

She shook her head.

Impossible ... why should my brother steal her love letter?


A sudden knock on the door interrupted her thinking.

"Miss, have you finished the shower? Master asked you to find him in the study."

Han Qiqing thought about something, walked over and opened the door, looking at the maid standing outside.

She pointed to the coffee table and asked, "That ... I put a box on the table. Who took it?"

The servant explained, "It was the young man who let him take it to him."

Han Qiqing froze.

It really is brother ...

She went to take a shower after eating, completely leaving the love letter behind.

Han Qiqing just wanted to hold his head.

The servant reminded again, "Miss, master, let you go to his study."

"Okay, I'm going now." Han Qiqing also wanted to ask, and my brother took her things away from her room without asking her. Isn't that polite?

She felt right to be angry.

So Han Qiqing went straight to the study.

The maid stood at the door of the study, and when she saw her coming, he opened the door for her.

"Brother! Is it because you stole my love ... the box!" Han Qiqing sighed into the study, brewing his anger.

The stern man sitting behind the desk raised his head and thinly opened his lips and said, "It's not stealing, it's taking."

"Ask yourself, just steal!"

Han Qiqing said he was angry.

"I asked you." The elder brother's expression was easy.

"When did you ask me?" Han Qiqing asked back.

He said, "During the meal, I said, to get something in your room, you say you can."

Han Qiqing, "..."

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