Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2303: Secret Love Letter (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes lifted, eyes like black grapes looked at him.

"Who told you that?"

Yin Shaoji said, "All the servants in this house are my eyeliner, do you say I don't know?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was right to think about it, so he did not justify it.

"I told you all, don't wait for me, you go to sleep first, why aren't you obedient?" Yin Shaojie reprimanded.

Mu Xiaoxiao held her pink lips and did not speak.

Yin Shaoji asked, "Why don't you speak?"

In fact, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to say that he saw his temper with his servant last night.

"No." She shook her head. "I don't know ..."

"I don't know what?" Yin Shaojie was puzzled, feeling that she hadn't awoken yet, and said nothing before the words.

Mu Xiaoxiao pouted his mouth and said in a somewhat aggrieved tone, "I originally wanted to wait for you. Who knows it would be so late to wait."

She didn't want to.

This is to blame him, so busy he didn't come out so late.

Only to make her wait so late.

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was his fault. Mu Xiaoxiao raised his fist and smashed into his chest.

Yin Shaojiu covered her little fist with a big hand.

"Well, no matter who is right or wrong, this is not allowed in the future. Let you go to bed earlier and you go to bed earlier. You have to wait for me, so that you can't sleep well. Are you doing it on purpose? In order not to go to school, I want to stay home and sleep lazily. "

He certainly distressed her.

Mu Xiaoxiao met his eyes and wanted to ask him why he had such a bad temper last night. Did something happen?

But seeing that his expression is normal today, should he be all right?

"Well, I'm going to school now, shall I?"

Mu Xiaoxiao yawned and stretched.

However, the next second, his hands clasped his neck.

She said coquettishly, "I don't want to walk, you take me to the bathroom."

Yin Shaojie was helpless, and kissed affectionately in the corner of her mouth, then said, "Okay, my queen."

So, the little queen enjoyed a full service.

She was carried into the bathroom and placed in front of the sink. Yin Shaojiu also squeezed toothpaste for her and stuffed her toothbrush into her hand.

Mu Xiaoxiao brushed her teeth slowly, and after washing her mouth, the hot towel that had been wrung out was delivered to her.

At the end of a service, he took her out of the bathroom.

In front of the wardrobe, he picked her clothes.

"Are you wearing a skirt today?" He asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I will wear shorts without a skirt."

Yin Shaojii refused, "No shorts, it will cool down today, let's wear trousers, this one."

So match her clothes.

He also wanted to help her undress, Mu Xiaoxiao blushed and pushed him away.

"You can go out!" She drove him.

Yin Shaojii laughed, "You use me out, just drive me out?"

Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at the door and said, "You are waiting outside."

"Okay." Yin Shaojii saw that there was no time left, so she would not play with her.

Mu Xiaoxiao changed his clothes and went out, he waited outside.

She said to him, "Turn around."

Although Yin Shaojie was puzzled, he still did.

She added, "Squat down."

He understood and did.

Mu Xiaoxiao grinned, happily flung his back, patted his shoulder and said, "Back me down."

"Oh!" Yin Shaomin walked quickly, carrying her back to the stairs.

"Ah ... slow down, slow down!"

Mu Xiaoxiao was frightened by this speed and patted his shoulder in a hurry.

But Yin Shaojie didn't respond, and she pinched his shoulder again.

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