Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2313: The world's best love letters (4)

At this moment, mother Yin was sticking to the door, listening to the sound inside, showing a loving mother's smile.

It seems the two are having a great time.

When Dad Yin passed the corridor, he saw his wife sticking to the door panel, posing strangely.

"Cough!" He coughed and motioned to her.

However, Mom Yin was so happy that she didn't notice him.

"Cough!" Dad Yin coughed twice this time and also increased the volume.

Mother Yin is still indifferent, as if she didn't hear it.

"Ahem ..."

This is a continuous cough.

Finally, Mother Yin moved her head and turned to his side, "Are you sick in your throat?"

Dad Yin touched his throat and felt a little dry.

"Don't disturb them, I'm a little thirsty, let's go down and drink something."

"I'll listen ..."

Before Mother Yin finished speaking, she was carried downstairs by her father.


Han family.

Han Qiqing's bedroom.

She turned her pen with her fingers and stared blankly at the exercise book in front of her.

After a while, she looked up at the time.

It's over ten o'clock ...

Muttering in her heart, the next second, she heard the sound of a car coming from the outside, she stunned, jumped up, and ran out of the bedroom.

I went underground to the first floor and saw my brother return.

The servant stood on both sides of the door, and bowed, "Master, you are back."

My brother walked in while taking off his trench coat.

The maid next to him took over the trench coat.

He raised his cold eyes and looked at Han Qiqing standing in front of him, and asked in the first sentence, "Revised?"

Han Qiqing flattened his mouth and said, "I have been reviewing after dinner. Do n’t believe you ask the housekeeper!"

She moved the housekeeper out to testify.

The housekeeper was awkward and didn't know how to answer.

Miss, although you are indeed reviewing, but you are so absent-minded that you have n’t reviewed it at all, can this be called a review?

Han Qiqing doesn't care. She obediently sits at the desk and reads a book.

She looked at her brother and asked, "Brother, why are you back so late?"

"Entertaining." He said only two words.

Han Qiqing had nothing to say, "I know you've been entertained, so where have you been? What have you done?"

He didn't answer and went upstairs.

Han Qiqing hurried to catch up.

In the brother's bedroom, the brother walked in and she followed.

Who knows, he said to her, "Go out."

Han Qiqing froze, "I ... I have something to tell you."

"Wait a minute later," he said, walking towards the changing room.

Han Qiqing thought for a moment and continued to follow.

As soon as I entered the dressing room, I saw that my brother was **** ...

Han Qiqing paused, turned instinctively, and retreated to the door.

"Brother, those love letters, love letters ... can you give them back to me?" She called up the courage and stopped talking about some things.

After a while, my brother changed into home clothes and walked out.

"What do you want those things for?"

Han Qiqing said suddenly, "Those things are mine! I just ... let you give it back to me."

"Exactly, tell you." He walked over to the sofa and sat down, beckoning her to come.

Han Qiqing walked over and stood in front of him.

Obviously he was sitting and she was standing, but the eyes of the two men were looking up.

He whispered thinly, "I read all the love letters."

Han Qiqing held his breath inexplicably.

and so?

"None of them are well written, either copied from the Internet or written in a fluent language," he criticized.

Han Qiqing, "..."

and so?

My brother looked at her and said in a cold voice, "So, you can't agree, did you hear me?"

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