Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2315: I will become very strong (2)

Yin Shaojie looked into her eyes and said with a smile, "Of course."

Mu Xiaoxiao bowed his head and frowned at the corners of his **** lips.

"Then don't put yourself in danger in the future, will you?"

Yin Shaojie looked at her deeply and couldn't lie, she could only say, "I try."

He tightened his fingers together.

Mu Xiaoxiao was dissatisfied with his answer, "What is the best? Be sure! Like your mysterious organization, although your friends are great, but ... I always feel dangerous."

Yin Shaojie sighed, "We are born in this world, and there are dangers everywhere, which cannot be avoided."

Coupled with his identity, the danger of finding a door will only increase.

If he has nothing to defend himself against these dangers, he will only fall into passive.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little frustrated because he understood his words.

She buried her face in his neck.

She is not naive and knows that she is well protected by her family.

But it does not mean that she does not know how much danger she will face while living in a wealthy home.

Especially, an identity like the Yin family.

The head of the four major families, such power is a double-edged sword.

It can bring great glory to the Yin family, but it can also cause many dangers.

Yin Shaojie caressed her back, as if comforting a kitten.

He said easily, "So I will become stronger and stronger, so those dangers are not dangerous to me, understand?"

"Um." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded in his arms.

She leaned closer to him and stretched her arms around him.

"Yin Shaoxing, I will become stronger with you."

She finally understood why he joined some mysterious organization and why he wanted to do something that ordinary boys of his age would never do.

Because he wants to become strong.

While other boys are facing learning and life problems, Yin Shaoyu is facing an unexpected world.

Hearing what she said, Yin Shaoxi laughed lightly.

"It doesn't matter if you don't have to be strong, I will be strong enough to protect you."

For him, she just needs to stay where she is now.

Her family can take care of her.

Then he must also do it.

Otherwise, he would not be eligible to be with her at all.

Yin Shaojie couldn't help thinking, did Mu Zhengbai know a little about why he arranged Xiao Xiao to get engaged with him?

Anyway, at least it shows that Mu Zhengbai trusts him, so he will give him to him.

And he will never disappoint this trust.

No matter how much he pays, even if it is all he has, he will give her a carefree world.

Yin Shaojiao held up Mu's small face.

The two smiled at each other.

He stretched his head and printed her cherry lips.

When your lips are close together, when you are in love.


There was a knock at the door.

Mu Xiaoxiao reacted, hurriedly supporting himself, his face flushed and hot, and he was embarrassed when he was hit by bad things.

Yin Shaojie was very calm, conscious that she wanted to escape, and her wide palms clasped her thin waist.

"Who?" He asked.

"It's me." Mother Yin's voice came from the door.

When Mu Xiaoxiao heard it, he became even more nervous. He pushed away Yin Shaoyu and got up from him.

Yin Shaoxu reluctantly released his hand.

"Mom, is there anything wrong?" He asked, but did not intend to open the door.

It's over eleven o'clock.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought that Mother Yin found out she was not in the room, so she came here to find her.

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