Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2318: Take care of your little emotions (1)

"Hey! Don't make trouble!"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned to the bed in order to avoid his claws, and almost rolled off.

Fortunately, Yin Shaojie fished her with her long arms and took her back to her arms.

"Be careful, just roll over to me."

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to glare at him, and suddenly he had a clever move, covering his stomach, his face wrinkled like a bun, and screamed.

"Oh ... I have a stomachache ..."

Yin Shaoxian glanced through her plot, "Don't pretend."

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "It's not a pretense, it really hurts ... oh, it seems that it is here ... oh ah, it really looks like it's okay ..."

Talking, she broke away from him and got out of bed.

Yin Shaojie looked at her, a little worried that she was real.

Seeing that she was going to the door, he said out loud, "Where is the toilet, where are you going?"

Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and gave him a white look, "Is there a sanitary napkin in your room?"

Yin Shaojie, "..."

So he could only watch her escape from his bedroom.

He stared, thinking that when she last came to Auntie, he thought it was a bit wrong.

Did she lie to him?

Yin Shaojie smiled helplessly.


The next day.


Yin Shaojie stood at the door of Mu Xiaoxiao's room and knocked.

Because there was no need to write a love letter, he did not stay up all night last night, slept well, and naturally he was very good.

"Little, it's time to get up!" He shouted.

After waiting for a while, the little girl inside still didn't respond.

Sleeping so dead?

When Yin Shaojiu was going to get the backup key to open the door, the door opened, revealing Mu Xiaoxiao's sleeping face.

She muttered, "You're annoying ..."

Yin Shaojie walked in with a smile, holding her shoulders, and taking her to the bathroom.

"Brush your teeth and wash your face, let's go to school."

Today, he looks very interested, as if there is something happy.

Mu Xiaoxiao held him in puzzlement.

"You feel so good today? Did you have a dream last night?"

Yin Shaojiu lip, "Maybe, you hurry up, don't fret."

"You go out!" Mu Xiaoxiao kicked him out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

Yin Shaoji touched his nose. "Hurry up."

"I see, you go down first, don't wait for me at the door." After Mu Xiao's novel, the sound of water rang out.

Yin Shaojiu leaned against the door frame, thought for a while, and said, "Well, what breakfast would you like to have today? I'll let the kitchen make it for you."

"I want to drink porridge!" Her voice came from inside.

"Okay, then I'll go down first."

His Majesty Yin went to the living room and found that his parents were not there. After asking the servants, he realized that they had not yet got up.

"Daddy is rarely so late." He smiled lightly and guessed something.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Mu Xiaoxiao was walking downstairs.

"Come on breakfast." He called her.

The servant brought the porridge out and put it in front of Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't look very good today. He looked agitated and stirred the porridge in the bowl. He took a few sips and lost his appetite.

"I don't want to eat anymore," she said.

Yin Shaoji looked at her strangely, "Do you want to eat something else? Let the kitchen do it for you."

She also said she wanted to drink porridge.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "I don't want to eat now. Wait until school and buy something to eat in the classroom."

Yin Shaojie was afraid she was ill, and reached out to check her temperature.

She had normal temperature and no sweating.

"You are a bit mentally weak," he said, holding her.

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