Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2328: Someone is behind the ghost (3)

For a time, the higher the floor of this post, the sooner it became a hot post, attracting the attention of others.

Coupled with the fact that everyone likes to watch tearing force, many people went to watch.

Some people even went too far to S3 class in high school, and asked Lu Yichen in person, who was the man in the suit?

As always, Lu Yichen took the other side as air and ignored him.

That popularity was just that, referring to Landing Yichen said angrily, "I see, that man is your master of gold? You are afraid everyone knows, so you dare not say!"

Several boys followed suit, trying to provoke Lu Yichen.

In fact, these males were because of Lu Yichen's good performance and obviously so cold and cold, because they were handsome and still very popular with girls.

Lu Yichen turned a deaf ear to their words and devoted himself to making papers.

The more calm he was, the more invisible these boys were.

Gradually, it was no longer possible to meet these ugly boys in the face of smearing, and in a hurry, someone snatched his pen and tore his test paper.

"Aren't you the first in thousands of years? What other test papers are you doing! Damn, you will only pretend!"

"Say, Lu Yichen, answer us! Is that man your master? Are you raised by men for money?"

"If you don't answer, we will assume you are the default!"

Lu Yichen stood up, looked coldly and snatched his pen in front of him, and tore off the boy with his test paper.

Seeing him finally seeing himself, the boy was proud.

"You wouldn't want to tell me, which rich illegitimate child are you? Don't dream about it! Lu Yichen, you are a poor man! Want to be a rich master? Save it!"

After speaking scornfully, he took a sip.

As soon as Lu Yichen's eyes were cold, a fierce fist fell to the other's face.

The boy fell on the desk and messed up several tables.

The entire classroom was instantly quiet.

Lu Yichen glanced at them and said coldly, "Who else, do you have anything to say?"

The boys who were still talking badly about him stepped back instinctively.

The boy who fell to the ground climbed up, covering his captive face, staring angrily at Yichen, pointing angrily at him, "You dared to hit me? Lu Yichen, what do you think! If you are not good, you think Are you eligible for Suntech? Believe it or not, I can drop you from Suntech in a word? "

Those who can enter the S class are not ordinary.

Some girls rushed out to help Lu Yichen speak.

"It was you who provoke Lu Yichen first. People don't want to ignore you. Why do you have to bother people to do the test papers? You are obviously wrong!"

At this time, other girls also stood up.

"That is to say, there is something about the master of gold. You guessed it yourself. Everyone is a classmate. Can't you be more friendly? Who wants to care about you if you say such awful words?"

"Even if you go to the principal, we will help Lu Yichen to testify. It was you who robbed him of his pen and tore his test paper, and he will hit you. It is your provocation!"

"You should apologize to Lu Yichen!"

You said something to me, girl, that made the boy even more shameless, and his face turned blue.

Obviously he was a captive, but he was asked to apologize?

On what grounds!

The boy suddenly became angry.

"My TM is to drive him out of Suntech! You protect him, I'll see if you can protect him! Wait and see!"

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