Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2333: You actually want to help the enemy (4)

This is his plan for his future.

Therefore, he could not delay his studies.

He does not have as much capital as other students in Suntech. His only capital is his own intelligence and excellent grades.

He can save money and eat the worst food, as long as he can fill his stomach.

But he cannot lose his only capital.

He sat in the store, quickly finished eating two buns, and drank a cup of light and tasteless tea in the store, and he got up and walked out of the bun shop.

On the way to the school gate, several boys were standing in front of him.

"Lu Yichen, we want to talk to you."

The headed boy played with a knife in his hand and smiled.

Lu Yichen frowned. It was obvious that the other party was not good.

"Sorry, I don't know you."

"I just know you, can't I go? If I don't, I'll go straight to the knife." The other side said fiercely.

Several boys besieged him immediately.

Lu Yichen knew that if he followed them to a hidden place, he would only be worse.

But he looked at each other's knife and thought that if he got a knife, he would go to the hospital. Not only would it cost money, his mother would worry about him.

So he cannot be hurt ...

His brain was spinning at a high speed, thinking about what to do and how to escape.

However, under the persecution of the other party, he could only obey temporarily and was pulled into the side alley.

This alley is an older neighbourhood nearby. Because a new road is opened next to it, very few people enter and exit this alley.

Maybe these people killed him here, and it may take a few days for his body to be found.

The situation is even worse.

Lu Yichen's brow frowned deeply.

He calmed himself and asked Shen Shen, "Should you also be Suntech students?"

Although Sun Tak is a noble school, it is also disciplined. Those who fight severely will be fired.

Compared to poor people like him, entering aristocratic schools is for scholarships. Those grandchildren who enter Suntech represent reputation, and if they are expelled from Suntech, it will affect not only their personal reputation but also their family reputation.

The boy playing with the knife sneered and said, "S Class like you, haven't seen anyone in our F class yet?"

Lu Yichen knew.

It turned out to be the worst F class in the legend.

He didn't even know where the F-class classroom was, let alone met the F-class people.

If you are in class F, it is a bit difficult to deal with.

The people who are assigned to class F are not very good reputations. These people don't care about reputations, right?

Lu Yichen examined the situation around him with Yu Guang, and tried to say to the other party in a gentle tone, "I don't seem to have any resentment against you? Are you asking me for anything? If you want me to help you with your tuition ... "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, tutoring!"

The other laughed, as if he had heard a joke.

Of course, Lu Yichen knew that these people did not want to ask him for help.

This is just his postponement.

He spotted a brick near the wall, and judged the chances of using the brick to counter the opponent's success.

At this moment, another arrogant laughter suddenly sounded.

"Hahaha, Lu Yichen, are you scared? Look at what you look like!"

Lu Yichen narrowed his eyes.

Sure enough, it was him, the boy who fought with him.

He had been in the same class for more than two years, but he didn't remember his name at all.

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