Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2343: Because you like him? (2)

After hearing that, Han Qiqing was startled, and the first reaction was to be scared to turn off the computer screen.

He asked hurriedly, "My brother is back?"

The maid laughed at her excited response, "No, ma'am, what I mean is, Master is coming back soon."

Han Qiqing reacted this way, because he heard it wrong.

She patted her chest. "Don't scare me! When he comes back, you tell me."

The servant smiled bitterly. "Miss, don't play with the computer, just review it."

Even if she helps the lady to hide, but the steward will know, the steward will report to the young master.

Han Qiqing bit his pen and looked stingy.

"I don't have a mood to review ... That **** Luo Bo must be behind him! It's so abominable to discredit Lu Yichen!"

"If Lu Yichen were to be adopted by someone, would I have adopted him for a long time? Can I still get someone else?"

"Someone still believes such a false story, and my brain doesn't know where it goes ..."

The servant stood by and listened to her.

"Miss ..."

Han Qiqing shook her hand, "Oh, don't bother me, you go out."

The maid had to go out.

After a while, the servant came in again and reminded, "Miss, the soup has to be hot."

"I see, you go out." Han Qiqing hurried.

After the servant went out, Han Qiqing turned on the computer screen and continued to talk to others on the forum.

After she finished replying to a post, as soon as she refreshed, she saw the new post from the leaker, which said: This is the evidence you want.

In just one minute, there were hundreds of replies.

Han Qiqing was surprised.


Does the other party really have evidence?

No, how could there be evidence!

She quickly clicked into the post and wanted to see what the evidence was.

There are several photos in the post, the pixels are relatively vague, only two figures can be seen dimly, both figures are male, one of them looks older, holding another young man.

And the face of a young man really looks a bit like Lu Yichen ...

The photo is very blurred, because it is related to Lu Yichen, so when people see this photo, they naturally substitute Lu Yichen in it.

As a result, everyone was excited below the post.

The people eating melon shouted for help, confirming that Lu Yichen was really being raised.

"There are photos, Lu Yichen's brain powder, what else do you have to say?"

"I have long wondered, why did Lu Yichen reject the girl's confession again and again, thinking he was so cold and cold, it turned out to be false! The reason he refused was because he didn't like girls, he was GAY!"

"It's disgusting. It turns out that our chief school bully is a guy."

"No, I didn't like him before. I didn't expect him to be such a person. Fortunately, I took off the powder long ago."

There were too many such voices, and the voice of Lu Yichen was suppressed.

Han Qiqing was so angry when he saw these posts!

How could Lu Yichen be GAY?

He likes little!

Han Qiqing couldn't be more clear about this matter, but she could not say in the post that she could only use another way to argue that Lu Yichen was not GAY, he was normal, and he would not be adopted.

However, most people believed in the fake photo and laughed at Lu Yichen.

Han Qiqing was hard to beat by a family of four. She posted a post explaining that ten posts were mocking Lu Yichen.

This made her want to smash the computer!

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