Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2347: Did you ignore me on purpose? (2)

The servant on the side stepped forward and asked, "Miss, do you want to drink another bowl?"

Han Qiqing did not want to sit and nodded.

So I drank another bowl.

Bowl after bowl ...

When her brother finished eating, she drank three and a half bowls and her stomach was a little full.

My brother looked at the half of the bowl of soup left in front of her and frowned slightly. "You seem to be drinking too much."

"Well!" Han Qiqing snorted.

She complained, "I'm not waiting for you ..."

He said, "You can finish drinking, just sit and don't keep you drinking."

Han Qiqing grumbled, always thinking that what he said was that she was stupid.

She rolled her eyes and suddenly hugged her belly. "Oh ..."

"Miss, are you okay?" The servant on the side asked worriedly.

Han Qiqing's face wrinkled and said in an uncomfortable tone, "I seem to drink too much and my stomach is a little uncomfortable ... oh, I'm going to the bathroom!"

Pretending to be uncomfortable, hurriedly upstairs.

Back in her bedroom, Han Qiqing closed the door and panted against the door.

Brother doesn't seem to find she is posing?

She remembered the matter of landing Yichen, hurried to get her mobile phone, then slipped into the bathroom, closed the door, and did concealment work.

Called Song Shijun's mobile phone.

I thought he would answer right away. Who knew that until the phone hangs up automatically, Song Shijun didn't answer.

Han Qiqing was so depressed, "What's going on in this dead world!"

It's only about ten o'clock, is Song Shijun's guy impossible to fall asleep?

Absolutely impossible!

She didn't give up, and tried again, and finally, in the third pass.


"Song Shijun! Why did you just go? I didn't answer your phone call. It's important for you to help me out! It's important that you help me think of a way!" Han Qiqing said in a hurry.

"I'm sorry, I'm not Shijun. He's not here right now. Do you have anything to do with him? I can help you."

Hearing that it was a girl's voice, Han Qiqing froze.

She took off her cell phone, looked at the number display, and confirmed that it was Song Shijun.

"Who are you?" She asked.

The other person just smiled, didn't answer, and said again, "You were in a hurry just now. Is there an urgent matter to ask Shijun for help? It doesn't matter if you tell me, I will help you."

Han Qiqing slipped his lips.

Funny, when did she ask Song Shijun for someone to communicate?

"How did you hold his cell phone?" She asked.

The other party said, "He left the phone with me. I saw the phone ring several times. I was afraid it was important, so I helped him answer it."

Han Qiqing snorted.

Because of his identity, Song Shijun's guy pays the most attention to privacy. Generally, he won't give his mobile phone to anyone unless he is a trusted person.

So who is this girl?

Han Qiqing is inexplicable, isn't that Song Shijun's guy secretly carrying his girlfriend behind her?

She asked, "Where did Song Shijun go?"

The other side smiled slightly. "He seems to be out. He should be back soon."


come back?

Han Qiqing always thinks there is something here, so this girl and Song Shijun are not outside?

She was really annoyed at first, and originally wanted to ask Song Shijun for help. Whoever knew he couldn't find him, he even inexplicably came up with a girl.

"Forget it, you don't need to tell him, I called him, that's it!"

Han Qiqing hung up the phone after speaking.

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