Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2349: Did you ignore me on purpose? (4)

The next day.

Regarding the news broke last night, there was a big wave in Suntech, and almost every class was discussing it.

Even more terrible is-Lu Yichen did not come today!

Was he afraid to come to school because he was exposed to foster care?

This guess filled the hearts of most students for a while.

How could it be so coincidental?

The photo of him being held by a man was revealed only last night, and today he will not come to school.

I'm afraid it's true!

The remaining small number of girls are still insisting on believing in Lu Yichen, believing that he is not such a person.

However, the fact that Lu Yichen didn't come to school today caused them a panic. They were very worried about Lu Yichen and he was not affected.

Han Qiqing was also worried about Lu Yichen and made several phone calls, but Lu Yichen turned off.

"He's such a big man, he can handle his own affairs without worrying about you."

Song Shijun slumped comfortably on the sofa and said something like this.

Han Qiqing glanced at him, remembering last night, he pulled a pillow, and hit him a few times in the past.

"Hey, do you want to be so heavy!"


Song Shijun said he was innocent. "It wasn't me who discredited him. Why are you angry with me?"

Han Qiqing, "Huh!"

at night.

They made an appointment to attend the Gu family's banquet.

Originally, according to the usual habit, Song Shijun went to the Han family to pick up Han Qiqing, but today Qi Qing seems to be angry with him. Do n’t come to Song Shijun and take his own car to the Gu family.

Song Shijun was so confused that he had to drive to Gu's house alone.

There are many luxury cars gathered at the gate of the Gu family. Obviously this banquet was very grand and invited celebrities from all walks of life.

Song Shijun arrived late and saw Han's car from a distance.

He parked the car, walked over, knocked on the back seat window, and signaled to Han Qiqing in the car.

However, as if Han Qiqing didn't hear it, his eyes kept looking at the other side.

"Hey! Qiqing!" Song Shijun thought she didn't hear it, knocked twice, and called her twice.

Han Qiqing still maintained the same posture.

At this time, Yin's car drove over and parked in a more hidden corner.

Yin Shaojiu and Mu Xiaoxiao got out of the car together. The dresses they wore were like couple models, as if they were afraid that others would not know they were a pair.

Song Shijun's eyes were sharp and he saw them both at a glance.

"Qiqing!" He knocked off the window again. "Shaoyu and Xiaoxiao are here. Let's meet them in the past."

Han Qiqing didn't even notice him.

She actually opened the door on the other side and got off from there!

Song Shijun stunned slightly.

What are you doing?

Although he said it was a bit noisy next to him, he turned up the volume so that she couldn't hear him?

"Hey, Qiqing ..." He followed.

Han Qiqing wore a goose yellow dress with very few girls. In order to hurry, she also held the skirt in one hand and walked towards Mu Xiao.

"Little, are you finally here?"

Mu Xiaoxiao heard her voice, looked back at her, and smiled, "Qi Qing, have you been here already?"

"Well, it's been more than ten minutes."

"Where is Shijun?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know she had left Song Shijun.

Han Qiqing snorted. "I don't know. I didn't come with him."

"No?" Mu Xiaoxiao was a little surprised.

At this time, Song Shijun also came over, looking slightly dignified, and asked Han Qiqing, "Hey, did you intentionally ignore me?"

He called her so many times that it was possible to hear it once and not hear it several times, then it was abnormal.

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