Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2351: You are not seeing people (2)

So when I heard Mu Xiao's novel, the Gu family looked puzzled, presumably they couldn't get her to speak. What was her status?

In the eyes of outsiders, Mu Xiaoxiao is just the female companion brought by Yin Shaojiu.

There is so much love in Master Yin's family, changing a girlfriend a few days, this is something everyone in the wealthy circle knows.

Therefore, people who don't know Mu Xiao regarded her as one of Yin Shao's girlfriends, and did not put her in the eye.

And the person who knew Mu Xiao, hadn't noticed her arrival yet, otherwise they would already embrace it.

Seeing that the Gu family's response was a little slow, Yin Shaozhen repeated Mu Xiaoxiao's words again, then the Gu family talent left.

"Let's go over there and talk. Wait for the night."

Mu Xiaoxiao pointed to the more hidden location in the backyard.

Compared to the magnificent villa, the courtyard looks much more elegant.

Song Shijun was also trying to question Han Qiqing, so the group moved to the backyard.

On the way, many people saw Yin Shaoxing and came forward to say hello.

Yin Shaoxing responded one by one, and Mu Xiaoxiao hid behind him, playing a shy look.

Finally at a quiet corner, Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved.

It's enough to move for ten minutes without a distance.

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "I really don't want to walk with you."

Yin Shaojie and Han Qiqing are two of the four big families. In addition to Song Shijun, the mayor's son, who doesn't want to take advantage of the opportunity to set it up? Even if you are familiar with it, it is good.

Their group is a humanoid magnet. As long as it appears in the sight of others, someone must voluntarily post it.

Song Shijun looked at Han Qiqing, "Hey, you haven't said anything yet."

Han Qiqing held his chin up, squinting his eyes, and put a corner of his mouth, saying, "I called you last night. You saw it later. Why didn't you call me?"

"Have you called me?" Song Shijun frowned, looking unknowing.

Han Qiqing snorted, "Yes! Don't tell me, you don't know."

"I really don't know, when did you call me, I didn't miss a call on my mobile phone." Song Shijun explained.

Han Qiqing examined his expression and guessed whether he was telling the truth or the truth.

If it is false, then his play is great.

She said, "I called you at about ten o'clock last night. I made several calls and you didn't answer them. Later ... there was a girl who picked up. Was that girl your girlfriend? Or tell us, it ’s really not interesting. "

After hearing this, Mu Xiaoxiao was also surprised and looked at Song Shijun and asked, "Shijun, have you been a girlfriend? Why don't you tell us?"

She could also understand why Qi Qing was angry.

Qi Qing usually has the best relationship with Shi Jun. Although the two will talk to each other, in their group, the relationship between the two is absolutely the best.

Therefore, even if Shi Jun hides his girlfriend from everyone, even if Qi Qing hides it, Qi Qing will of course get angry.

Mu Xiaoxiao secretly thought that Qi Qing was so jealous?

Song Shijun looked at them both with a grin.

"Girlfriend? What girlfriend? I didn't hide from you guys ..."

Han Qiqing looked at him and asked, "Who was the one who answered my call last night?"

Song Shijun recalled holding his forehead.

"Last night, I went out to play ... with a group of people, as if the phone had fallen, maybe it was one of the girls?"

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