Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2357: Gu Family's Heir (4)

His first thought was that this was an opportunity for him to perform!

"Where did it fall? I will fish it for you!"

Luo Bo was very active, and could not care about the cold wind. He rolled up his sleeves artificially, exposing the weak-looking chicken's arm.

Han Qiqing pointed to a location in the swimming pool and said, "This is the place. Please help me find it first, confirm the location, and we'll ask someone to fish."

"No! This is a trivial matter. I don't need to call someone. I'll do it."

How could Luo Bo let others seize the opportunity of their own dedication.

He got to the pool, crouched down, put his hands on the ground, and carefully looked under the pool.

"Is this not found?"

"You look for it." Han Qiqing walked behind him, with a demon-like smile, and raised his legs to his back.

She made a playful gesture to him playfully.

Immediately, he stretched his legs and carried him into the pool.


Luo Bo was planted in the cold pool.

Han Qiqing covered her mouth, but she couldn't stop the smile.

She hummed gently and walked towards the villa.

Song Shijun who followed him happened to see this scene, but just looked at her funny.

"Do you know the temperature today? How cold is the water? What if he can't swim? You have to save him."

Han Qiqing spread his hands, "Need to consider him?"

She continued to hum.

Song Shijun looked over and saw Luo Bo could swim, so he was relieved.

It is not impossible to teach this person, but it cannot kill people.

He called a servant and asked the servant to look after Luo Bo.

Even with such cold water, if you just fall into it for a little while, you won't be able to get a high fever without pneumonia.

Poor Luo Bo was trembling like a sieve, and it wasn't clear what was going on.

The maid hurriedly took a bath towel and wrapped him.

A few friends who just had a good chat with Luo Bo learned that he had fallen into the water, and all gathered around.

"Abo, what's the matter with you? Why did you fall into the water?"

"Yes ... ahh!" Luo Bo sneezed, unable to say a complete sentence.

As soon as a group of people entered the warm villa, they stopped by servants.

"Several guests, sorry, the banquet is starting now, so you can't walk from here. Let me take some to the next room."

Their situation will affect other guests.

At this time, the housekeeper of the Gu family came out to signal everyone to be quiet.

Gu Pingyuan stepped out, followed by a long figure.

The crowd suddenly sounded, looking at the young people around Gu Pingyuan thoughtfully.

Gu Pingyuan said with a smile, "Thank you for your face appreciation. Today, I have a very important thing to announce. In fact, old friends know that I once had a short marriage because of the incompatibility and the two separated. I realized that my ex-wife was pregnant at the time ... yes, yes, I guess everyone guessed that this one next to me was the son my ex-wife gave me! "

A small number of people already know this inside story.

Others who did not know this were uproar.

Luo Bo was going to follow the servant, and when he heard this amazing news, he looked forward.

However, when he saw Gu Pingyuan's son, his eyes felt like an earthquake.

Then ... isn't that Lu Yichen? !!

In front of everyone, Lu Yichen looks like a noble prince in the eyes of everyone, forming a sharp contrast with Luo Bo, who is like a chicken.

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