Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2361: This joke is getting bigger! (4)

Yin Shaojie interrupted her, "Yes, there is inside information, but this is his business. He chose to look back at the father of Pingyuan."

Mu Xiaoxiao silently understood the meaning of his words.

Yin Shaoxin sighed, holding her face, making her look into her eyes.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm not letting you care about your friends, of course, I don't have any opinions about Lu Yichen, but you think about it, he is so big and able to handle his own affairs. He chose this path, indicating that he has already I figured out how to respond. "

Mu Xiaoxiao responded, "I see ..."

Yin Shaoyi kissed the corner of her mouth and said, "I promise you, if he needs any help from us, I will help him, but you do n’t have to get involved with him, let him handle it by himself, I think, This is also his wish. "

Mu Xiaoxiao stretched his hands around his neck and leaned his head on his shoulder.

"Well," she answered.

Yin Shaojie was relieved, and she pecked her ears.

"You didn't eat anything just at the banquet. You should be very hungry now? It's still early. Let's go out and eat, by the way."

Make an appointment and let her divert her attention.

Mu Xiaoxiao held his neck and thought for a while, "I want to eat ... fried chicken!"

Yin Shaojii dismissed, "Fried chicken doesn't work, did you forget that you had a bad stomach last time?"

"Oh, that was an accident, and it wasn't so bad every time. No matter what, I want to eat fried chicken." She spoiled.

How can fried chicken be so delicious?

This is so cruel!

Yin Shaojie squeezed her face and said, "I haven't played with a car for a long time. When I finish eating, I will take you uphill for a ride and buy some desserts and fruits. How about it?"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned as soon as she heard it, shook her head and said, "No, it's so cold, who is still playing on the mountain, is sick!"

Yin Shaojie laughed. "As long as it's not raining heavily, some people will be driving on the mountain, especially when it's cold. Going to play two is hot and exciting."

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him, "I think you haven't played for too long, do you feel itchy?"

Yin Shaojie touched her nose, and she admitted it.

"Well, I am pardoning you today!" Mu Xiaoxiao agreed, but in fact she was a little uneasy and wanted to relax.

She always felt that Lu Yichen's review of his family's affairs was not so simple. In addition, Gu Pingyuan had a relationship with terrorists. Lu Yichen was close to Gu Pingyuan at this time, and it could be dangerous in minutes.

But since she promised not to step in, she couldn't think more.

So she needs to let herself go.

Yin Shaojiu held Mu Xiao's hand, put it to his mouth, kissed him, and said with a smile, "Thank you, my queen!"

So they went out.

After dinner, the two walked hand in hand in the mall for a while.

"By the way, aren't you buying dessert? Is there a place to sell desserts nearby?" Mu Xiaoxiao remembered this important thing.

Desserts are very important to her!

Yin Shaoji said, "It's already bought. Let's go to the car. This time is exactly. Someone should be on the mountain."

"Buy it? When?" Mu Xiaoxiao froze.

Yin Shaojie took her down to the mall's garage.

When he got in the car, Mu Xiaoxiao thought he had bought it and put it on the car, but after looking around, there were no signs of bags in the front and back seats.

"Where's the dessert?"

Did he prepare her a surprise?

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