Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2366: In front of everyone (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled very happily. He put his finger in front of him, and his face was a proud expression of ‘you help me put it on’.

Yin Shaoyan hooked his lower lip.

He asked, "Do you want to open the brocade box first or set off the fireworks first?"

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, setting off fireworks, wearing a ring against the beautiful fireworks, seems more romantic.

But again, she felt that she had stretched out her fingers, and she couldn't wait for him to put a ring on herself.

So she said, "Wear the ring first!"

Yin Shaojie's smile became somewhat unpredictable, "If it weren't for the ring, would you hit me?"

"Ah?" Mu Xiaoxiao froze, never thinking about this possibility.

How could it not be a ring inside!

With such a small brocade box, can there be something else besides the ring?

With an expression of "I won't be cheated", she hummed, "I know it's a ring inside, and I've seen your surprise, so you want to lie to me?"

Fortunately, she is very smart and won't be fooled easily!

Yin Shaojie couldn't help crying and opened her brocade box.

"But it's really not the ring you want ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao saw the contents of the brocade box.

It's really not a ring ...

It was the strawberry-like gem that was photographed on William's cruise ship.

"How can this be?" She looked so depressed!

Yin Shaojie laughed. "I didn't say it was a ring. You thought about it yourself, blame me?"

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "..."

She thought he had prepared another proposal for her.

It turned out she was wrong!

Mu Xiaoxiao is not a little depressed.

"This is a necklace. Why are you using such a small brocade box!" She exasperated at his behavior.

Before, there was a little problem with this strawberry gemstone necklace. He said that it was redesigned because it took some special designs. So it took a long time and she gradually forgot about it.

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "Such a small box is easy to hide."

Mu Xiaoxiao wasn't depressed because she guessed wrong, but felt very embarrassed.

She skimmed the beginning.

Yin Shaojie pulled her back and handed the Jin Box to her.

"Let's see what's special about this first."

Mu Xiaoxiao took out the gem from the brocade box, the chain was very thin, it was rose gold, the gem was very beautiful, full of girlish heart.

Although it is not a ring ... but looking at such a beautiful gem, my mood will be better.

"What's so special?"

She looked left and right, and found nothing changed, except that the chain is new, and the setting is like a small crown, which is very delicate and beautiful.

Otherwise, I didn't find anything special.

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "You can see clearly, look inside."


Mu Xiaoxiao according to what he said, picked up the gem, but the surface was smooth and there was no lettering.


She suddenly found something.

"Engraved?" She said in surprise.

But she touched the surface, it was smooth, and the lettering effect she saw was a bit special.

Seeing that she couldn't see it, Yin Shaojie held her little hand and explained to her, "Y and M are engraved inside."

"Carved in?" Mu Xiaozheng was startled.

This is a gem. It is so hard. How can it be carved in it?

Is there still this technology?

Yin Shaoji said, "I was hesitant to write J and X, or Y and M ..."

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