Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2368: In front of everyone (3)

As soon as this remark was issued, a huge wave was stirred up among the girls.

Many girls even cried, afraid that they would not see their male **** in the future.

The girls who had previously betrayed all regretted why they just believed those rumors and did not believe in their male god.

Well now, the male **** has restored his honorable status and will never return.

The more you miss, the more you lose, the more you lose, the more you miss.

The atmosphere of the girls was very depressed.

The boys are afraid of Lu Yichen's current status, and dare not talk much.

Especially those who had previously talked about Lu Yichen, now they obediently close their mouths and wish to swallow all the dirty water that was spilled before.

For a while, the school atmosphere became weird and quiet.

No one talked in class, and the teachers became a little accustomed.


On this day, Suntech has a winter running event. Today is the launching ceremony.

The whole school was concentrated on the playground, and the principal said on the stage, "I will say a few words ..."

The so-called two sentences lasted for ten minutes.

Students have long been surprised, and few people are seriously listening to the official words of the principal.

It just means that the purpose of this running activity is to let everyone exercise more and have a healthy body. Don't exercise or the like because of the cold winter.

The sun is good today, and the students are warm.

Just as the students yawned, the principal finally finished speaking.

Suddenly, thunderous applause sounded from the audience.


Finally do not have to bear the devastation of the principal's magic sound.

The principal went away, and Yin Shaoji went to power.

Because he is the president of the Student Union, he led the first day of running.

As soon as the handsome and immaculate Yin Shaoxi walked to the microphone, the audience screamed with applause.

"I don't think everyone has much patience, so I won't talk nonsense anymore."

Suddenly, a group of girls yelled collectively in a corner, "Don't! Hey, we like to listen to you!"

This sentence immediately caused a warm response.

"Yes! I want to listen to you! You are not talking nonsense! We love to hear what you say!"

"Say, you say it! Anything you say will do!"

"We want to hear you speak, we want to listen!"

It's a rare young girl to stand in front of them and talk to them, so that they can enjoy the handsome guys freely and freely, and they can also hear the handsome guys speak. Of course, they are willing to listen.

Yin Shaoqi, who was standing on the stage, cast aside his mouth and said, "But I have nothing to say."

A regretful voice sounded from the audience.

Lu Yichen is not coming to school. The girls have been in a bad mood lately, and they have comforted themselves. Without Lu Yichen, they still have a small number!

If you choose between Shao Shao and Lu Yichen, most girls still choose Shao Shao.

Although Xiao Shao now has Mu Xiaoxiao's girlfriend, many girls are still anxiously waiting for the day they broke up.

Xiao Shao is still so young, how can she be tied to a woman?

Many girls think so.

Today, there is a rare opportunity to interact with Wu Shao, which makes girls excited.

"Say! You just say a few words, you can say anything! We love listening to you!"

In fact, as long as he stands on top of it is a landscape, even if he doesn't say anything, they can look at it all day long.

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