Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2375: We promised (2)

So, the two girls each held a puff and ate it with joy, while they went out.

Yin Shaojiu and Song Shijun each drove.

Who knows, Han Qiqing doesn't want to take Song Shijun's car today, but has to sit with Xiaoxiao.

"Just drive your own, bye." She smiled at Song Shijun, and then got into Mu Xiaoxiao's car.

Song Shijun stunned, "Han Qiqing, you just abandoned me like this?"

Han Qiqing poked out his small head from the car and stuck out his tongue.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked over from behind Han Qiqing and asked, "Would you like me to ride in your car?"

Song Shijun quickly shook his head, "No, no! How dare I!"

He did not dare to challenge Master Yin.

So the three people in the car were all lively. Poor Song Shijun drove the car alone and went to the restaurant alone.

After a while, Ye Sijue hurriedly arrived.

"Sorry, I've been a bit busy lately."

Song Shijun ridiculed, "Busy is not an excuse, you are late, you need to punish! According to international practice, three cups!"

Han Qiqing also added, "How about a penalty of three glasses? Ye Sijue's wine is so good, at least five?"

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a moment, and said, "He has to drive back. It is better not to drink? Or stop drinking."

Han Qiqing said, "It's true that you can't drink while driving. After he drinks, don't drive anymore! Ye Sijue, let the night family send a driver to pick you up. We are so happy today, we will not get drunk!"

Song Shijun looked at her erratically, "You don't want to drink a bar?"

Come on, with her volume ...

Han Qiqing nodded, "Of course I have to drink! How happy today, Yin Shao's marriage proposal was successful, this is a historic moment, we have to celebrate it!"

Song Shijun, "..."

How do you feel like this outsider is more excited than the two main characters?

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand to surrender, "I can't, I don't drink well, so I can only drink at most."

Fortunately, she didn't have to drive a car, but she could have a drink.

She banged her elbow on Yin Shaojie and said, "Hey, you have to drive back, you can't drink."

Who knows, Yin Shaojie said with a corner of his mouth, "I'm so happy today. Of course, I have a drink. It's okay. Let's call someone to pick us up. Let's drink a little today. Don't drive home and get drunk!

"Yin Shaojie is good!" Han Qiqing cheered.

Song Shijun smiled and shook his head. "You are all crazy."

But it ’s interesting to be crazy, right?

"Then don't get drunk today!"

Ye Sijue laughed and had to accompany them crazy.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to talk about drinking beer because the degree was relatively low.

But Song Shijun thinks beer is not good, and red wine is better, and red wine is more in line with today's romantic theme.

Han Qiqing asked for champagne.

"Of course, champagne!"

In the end, everyone agreed and asked for champagne.

Song Shijun did not give up, and added a red wine.

"It's easy to get drunk with alcohol," Han Qiqing reminded him.

Song Shijun said arrogantly, "That's for you, like us, who have a good volume of wine, just this little champagne and red wine, not so easy to get drunk."

Han Qiqing refused to accept, "Not so easy to get drunk? OK, then I want to drunk you!"

He had an amazing look that made her want to slap him.

Song Shijun smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Come on, let's see, who is drunk first!"

Han Qiqing is not stupid. He wants to fight with him, and he definitely loses.

So she has to think long and hard!

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