Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2378: If you wish (1)

Wei Xiaomu's Mu Xiaoxiao just wanted to sleep, but didn't even think about what Yin Shaojie was doing.

He asked her to sit up, and she sat up obediently.

He asked her to raise her hand, and she raised it.

Yin Shaoxian took some effort to help her put on a suit.

Mu Xiaoxiao's skin was originally very white. Now it is set against black lace, like a freshly peeled egg, white and tender, and it feels more like baby's skin.

A few days ago because she was inconvenient, he could only endure.

Unexpectedly, her auntie was over so soon.

Yin Shaojie had been thinking for a long time, how to make her fulfill this promise.

It happens that Mu Xiaoxiao, who is drunk, does not have a flavor.

In order to make it easy for her to change her clothes, Yin Shaojiu let her sit in her arms. Her two small hands were around her neck. Because of the slight stubbornness, she was so confused that she wanted to sleep. In the neck fossa.

Her nose wing was against his neck, and every time the chest was undulating, the warm breath beat on his skin, a little itchy.

Yin Shaojie supported her thin waist and pecked lightly at her cheek.

Mu Xiaoxiao opened his eyelids, his eyes were half open, as if looking at his face in a daze.

"Awake?" He asked with a smile, if his fingers rubbed against the exposed part of her waist.

Mu Xiaoxiao was confused, "Hey ... what are you doing?"

Yin Shaoji answered honestly, "Changing your clothes, you look really good, especially nice."

It makes him want to be a wolf.

"Good-looking?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at his clothes. The effect of alcohol made his brain much slower than usual. After looking for a while, he didn't respond.

It ’s just that the chest is tight and there is a seam in the middle ...

Mu Xiaoxiao was too lazy to think about it, his hand clasped Yin Shaojiao's neck, and he rubbed in his arms.

"I haven't taken a shower yet ..."

Trying to sleep, but still remembering that he didn't take a bath.

Yin Shaojie laughed evilly at the corners of her mouth, and her long fingers brushed her hair, touching her lovely earlobe and saying, "Wait for you to wash."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "No, I want to wash now ..."

He held the person who was going to take a bath now, but showed no signs of soberness, and lazily rested in his arms.

It seemed that his arms were the safest harbor for her.

Yin Shaojie's big hand was rubbed on her back, Mu Xiao felt comfortable, closed her eyes, and wanted to sleep more.

His hands were hot, his body was hot, and he was really comfortable in his arms.

"Bath ... bath ..." she murmured slightly.

Yin Shaojiu pressed her thin lips against her ears, and kissed them with emotion.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled suddenly, "Don't mess with me."

Yin Shaojiu's deep black eyes deepened.

"Don't fall asleep." His magnetic voice was a little dumb.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his head back, half of his eyes met his eyes.

"Yin Shaoxing, what do you want ..."

His restless hands kept her awake.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, his little finger nodded the tip of his nose, a gesture of interrogation, but her voice and body were soft, and there was no deterrence at all, but it was like waiting for the flowers to be picked.

Yin Shaoxian chuckled, and suddenly opened her mouth to catch her fingers when she brought them together.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused.

Yin Shaojie licked her fingertips, exuding a charming charm.

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