Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2387: Bad news (2)

"Hmm ..." She tried to call again.

It was also weak this time, but Yin Shaoxian seemed to hear it and raised his head.

His heavy black eyes met her eyes.

"Little, you wake up?"

His throat seemed to be blocked, and his voice was dumb.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him at the moment, a bit bad, and bloodshot in his eyes.

She asked hoarsely, "What's wrong? Why ... am I in the hospital?"

"You forgot? You didn't come out in the morning, you ... you bleed below, so I hurried you to the hospital, sorry, last night I ... if it weren't for me, you wouldn't do that today." There was deep guilt in his voice.

He felt that he was too selfish, and in order to satisfy his selfish desires, she was made like this.

Although the inspection report has not yet appeared, Yin Shaoyu has settled his fault on himself.

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his hand and wanted to touch him comfortably.

But her hand was tightly held by him. With her weakness at the moment, it was impossible to break away.

And she was so weak now that he didn't even realize she wanted to work.

"Well, I'm fine," she said finally.

Yin Shaojie shook her head, her expression dignified. "You have something. You will not know what the situation is until the report comes out. You take a break first and don't say anything, be good."

Mu Xiaoxiao felt uncomfortable at seeing him so blame.

She shook her head and said, "It's really not your fault."

"Well, don't talk about it, take a break, do you want to drink water?" Yin Shaojie didn't want to listen to her push himself but took responsibility. He got up and poured the water, tried the water temperature before he came over.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to get up and was held down by him.

"Don't wake up, you're still infusion." He said, took a sip of water, lowered his head, and kissed her lips.

Cross the water with your lips.

It was just that he had no restlessness in the past, and he simply fed her water without any minor movements.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little accustomed to it for a while.

After taking two sips, she opened his mouth and smiled, "I feel much better."

Yin Shaojiu leaned over her, curled her hair, and kissed her forehead.

"Are you hungry?"

He remembered that she hadn't had breakfast after getting up.

If usual, she would be hungry and want to eat at this time.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't feel hungry at this moment, but seeing his worried eyes, she nodded and said, "Well, I'm a little hungry."

"Then I ask someone to buy something to eat, can I drink porridge?" He asked.

I don't know what she is, so I don't know what she can eat, so I can only drink light porridge for the time being.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded smartly, "I want to drink preserved egg and lean meat porridge."

"Well, buy it for you." Yin Shaoji answered.

He didn't want to leave her, so he called and asked someone to buy it. He also specified a location.


Then a knock sounded.

"Come in." Yin Shaoji answered.

The doctor who entered the door was holding a report in his hand, but the doctor did not come in, but just stood at the door and gestured Yin Shaoyan with his eyes.

Yin Shaojie noticed that the doctor was not that relaxed face.

His heart sank.

Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on the bed, and her sight was blocked by Yin Shaoyu, so she could not see the doctor.

She asked, "Who is it?"

Yin Shaoji said, "It's a nurse, maybe it's going to go through the hospitalization procedure. I'll go out, and you lie down well, don't you know? If anything, just ask the nurse to come in."

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