Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2406: He can't do without her (1)

Feeling a sense of oppression in the air, Dr. Zhou immediately understood why some nurses did not dare to face the boy in front of him.

This boy has the inherent breath of a king. When he is majestic, others will rush into fear unconsciously.

Dr. Zhou has seen a lot of big people, and he can see at a glance whether this man has done much in the future.

This young man now has absolutely amazing achievements in the future.

Dr. Zhou thought for a while and said to him, "Don't rush to refuse first. This is a special period. The most important thing is to cure Miss Mu's illness. She has an optimistic attitude and can only be cured. , You will understand that mentality has a great impact on the condition. "

One person is optimistic and the other is depressed. Under the same illness, there will be different results.

Yin Shaojie thought silently and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao in the ward.

When she met her eyes, she smiled at him with a good appearance.

He just felt more distressed.

The original little ... should be lively and proud.

Dr. Zhou continued, "Although I haven't been in contact with Miss Mu for a long time, I can feel that she is a very strong girl, and she will not be defeated by any difficulties. You must believe her."

Yin Shaojiu turned his gaze and looked at the doctor and said, "I know this."

How could he not believe little.

What does Xiao Xiao look like? He grew up with her from childhood, and he knows best.

The little at this moment is indeed something strange.


When Dr. Zhou saw him, he seemed relaxed, and then said, "It's not about letting you leave her, but just don't be too close for a while, keep her away from you and rely on you too much."

Yin Shao frowned, and hearing this sentence made him subconsciously repulsive.

Don't let Xiaoxiao rely too much on him?

However, he enjoyed little dependence.

They passed so much that Xiaoxiao had so much dependence on him.

Is it necessary to cut off this dependence just now?

Do not.

He didn't want to cut off.

He likes to rely on him a little.

He was anxious, and he relied on him a little, and he could not do without him.

What's wrong with relying on him?

Why change?

He didn't want to change this!

Dr. Zhou observed that his eyebrows were locked and his expression became serious. As a psychologist, he could naturally understand his emotions at the moment without hiding.

"Master Yin, the trust built between you, this feeling will always exist and will not change because of this, so you do n’t have to worry about it, it ’s just to change the status quo, it will not affect your feelings. If you are worried about this, you can rest assured. "

"As far as I know, Miss Mu had a head trauma before, which caused short-term amnesia, so this is also why, when she couldn't accept the truth for a while, her subconscious would selectively forget it because our bodies There is a sense of self-protection, and you are very close now, she is very dependent on you, so she will subconsciously hide in your shelter. "

"But I can see that Miss Mu is a very strong girl. Even without your protection, she can handle these things herself."

"In fact, people have this instinct and can handle things themselves, but if someone helps themselves and protects themselves, they will choose the easier way."

Yin Shaofu can understand the doctor's meaning.

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