Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2409: He can't do without her (4)

She felt like she couldn't stand it ...

Mu Xiao's belly groaned, and she reached out and covered her belly.

No, getting hungry.

Shouted subconsciously, "Well, I want to eat ..."

The words stopped, remembering that he was away.

A little stunned in my heart.

He's not by his side, really uncomfortable.

She missed him ...

I wonder if she was too hungry, and she suddenly smelled good.

Was she hungry enough to hallucinate?

Alas, more and more fragrant!

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't lie down, sat up, and covered her purring belly.

"So hungry ..."

"Fool, get hungry for breakfast." A voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted, and murmured, "Is it really hungry that illusion ..."

How could she hear Yin Shaojie's voice?

"Get up for breakfast, cake for you." The voice sounded again.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned her head back suddenly and saw Yin Shaojie walking to her side.

"Ah!" It was him, not an illusion.

"How can you ..."

Didn't he say he didn't come at nine?

Yin Shaoji touched his nose. "Get up early and come here. Do you want cake? Freshly baked."

Actually he didn't sleep much last night.

Mu Xiaoxiao bloomed a bright smile, nodding like a chicken pecking rice, "Yes, want to eat!"

It turned out that she just smelled the milky smell of the cake.

Yin Shaojiu thoughtfully bought soy milk.

So Mu Xiaoxiao ate breakfast happily with his company.

Yin Shaoxing looked at the time, sighed in his heart, and said to her, "Okay, I have to go."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, "Leave? Haven't you just arrived? Where are you going?"

Yin Shaoxing explained, "When going to school, students will have things to deal with, and the final exam next month, there are more things."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, apparently did not want him to leave.

I thought he was here to accompany himself, who knew it was just to accompany her for breakfast.

Of course, Yin Shaojie didn't want to leave, and she wished to leave everything behind, and was here to accompany her.

But he still remembers that he had to cooperate with Dr. Zhou's treatment.

He had broken the rules once, didn't hold back, and came over before nine.

Yin Shaojie smiled bitterly.

It seems that he is more inseparable from small.

Dr. Zhou is very professional. It seems that he would have been tempted if he could not bear it. At the beginning, two plans were formulated. If he could n’t help and came before nine o'clock, then he could not stay more than an hour, and then had to leave You can come back at noon.

Yin Shaojie had no choice but to go to school, and had something to do, rather than thinking about small things.

Looking reluctantly at Yin Shaojie's departure, Mu Xiaoxiao's smile broke down.

She stayed in the ward for a while and couldn't help it.

Mu Xiaoxiao stepped out of the ward and planned to walk around.

The hospital has a very large courtyard. She is sitting on a bench, watching people coming and going, like watching TV, watching what is happening around other people.

There are elderly, adults, children, pregnant women ...

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the pregnant woman with a big belly, and heard that someone nearby was chatting with the pregnant woman. The pregnant woman said she was pregnant with twins, and the other side made an envious voice.


There were two identical babies in her mind.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, are you very envious?" An uncomfortable tone came from the side.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and saw that it was Han Yuner.

Han Yuner shook the paper in her hand and said, "I'm here to get the report. There is good news. Do you want to hear it?"

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