Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2411: I kiss my wife, do you have any opinion? (2)

"What's your matter?" Mu Xiaoxiao retorted her.

Han Yuner spread his hands, "Do n’t get me wrong, I do n’t want to fight against you, I have a boyfriend, and I have a good relationship with my boyfriend, have n’t I told you? As long as I can get pregnant, he will I am engaged, and I have no interest in Shao. "

Mu Xiaoxiao is not interested in her affairs.

No matter if Han Yuner still likes Yin Shaojie, she doesn't want to know.

She just wanted to stay away from this crazy woman Han Yuner.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao trying to escape again, Han Yuner stopped with a smile.

"Don't run, I haven't finished talking, why are you so rude, Mu Xiaoxiao?"

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks she is sick.

Are they familiar?

Why is she standing here to listen to Han Yuner's words?

Han Yuner was clearly targeting her, and every word she said reminded her that she couldn't have children, and she was a useless woman.

These words deeply hurt Mu Xiaoxiao.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's obvious expression of evasion, Han Yuner wanted to stimulate her a little more, and said with a smile, "Did I just tell you that there is good news for you? Now I will tell you OK, the good news is— -I'm pregnant."


When Han Yuner saw the reaction she wanted to see, Mu Xiaoxiao's face turned pale, which made her very happy.

She touched her belly and said, "Here, there is a baby. Can you imagine the joy of knowing that you want to be a mother? Oh, I forgot that you can't have children, but of course you can only imagine."

Every sentence was taunting little.

Mu Xiaoxiao said in a tense voice, "Shut up, shut up for me!"

Han Yun'er enjoyed Mu Xiaoxiao's expression change at the moment, repeating it intentionally, like holding a knife in his hand, cutting the other person's heart with a knife.

"It's true that you can't have children. Why don't you let me say it?"

"To shut up!"

"Mu Xiaoxiao, you are so pitiful that you can't have children. Is this probably retribution?"

"I shut you up, did you hear me!"

At this point, Yin Shaojiu came to the hospital and learned from the nurse that Mu Xiaoxiao was not in the ward, so she looked for her everywhere.

He found her and heard Han Yuner's words about Mu Xiao's novels.

Yin Shaoxian's face seemed to have accumulated tens of thousands of years of ice.

He was about to pass with a calm face, but was dragged.

Looking back, it was Dr. Zhou.

"Don't go and let her handle it," Dr. Zhou said.

Yin Shao paused, and heaven and man were at war.

How could he keep watching Little Bully being bullied?

Especially at this moment, Xiao Xiao is on the verge of collapse ...

When Han Yuner heard Mu Xiaoxiao roaring herself, the smile on the corner of her mouth became even wider.

This was the reaction she wanted to see.

"You can't have children, you are so pitiful, Mu Xiaoxiao, you can't have children ..."

She also deliberately kept repeating, as if wishing to be heard by the whole world.


Suddenly, a slap fluttered over and twisted Han Yuner's face.

Han Yuner froze, covering her face.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked her coldly, "What does it matter to you when you are pregnant? Can I have children? What is it to you?"

Han Yun retorted, "Are you jealous? You must be jealous of me, I can understand that as a woman, you can't have children, and you will be jealous when you see someone pregnant. It's fine, I'm generous, no Take care of your jealousy. "

Mu Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, "Who wants to be jealous of you?"

Is this person sick?

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