Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2415: Good news (2)

This shows that Mu Xiaoxiao is really strong.

She read it right.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Dr. Zhou and said, "Thank you, Dr. Zhou."

Dr. Zhou smiled and looked at Yin Shaoji. "You should thank Master Yin for being right. He is really good to you, and you will be very happy."

Mu Xiaoxiao bloomed a sweet smile.

"However, as usual, I still have to check you. You can relax. I will ask you a few questions and you can answer them normally." For the sake of insurance, Dr. Zhou did her post-mortem inspection in accordance with normal circumstances.

"Okay." Mu Xiao nodded.

Yin Shaojie stood aside and looked at it quietly.

Dr. Zhou asked a few questions, all of which were very common questions, but there were hidden mysteries in them.

After questioning, Dr. Zhou nodded with satisfaction. "Ms. Mu, this time I'm sure it's all right. Your heart is strong and great."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled embarrassedly.

Dr. Zhou said, "Then I won't bother you."

"Wait a minute, Dr. Zhou, borrow a step to speak." Yin Shaoxian suddenly called Dr. Zhou, took her to the door and asked her something.

After all, can only a small psychological situation be cured after such a short time? He's not quite assured yet.

Hearing his doubts, Dr. Zhou said with a smile, "I just said that Miss Mu's heart is strong. This is not a polite phrase. I think Miss Mu grew up in a very happy environment, although she was well protected , But she does n’t need to protect herself. Even if she is alone, she can be strong. Maybe she will be stronger. ”

This sentence was also what she said before.

In fact, everyone is like this. Only when you are alone can you understand how powerful you are.

"I know." Yin Shao nodded.

He was small and loved and loved by the people around him. Every elder liked her and gave her the best shelter subconsciously.

Some people are too well protected, they will become weak, and they will not know what to do if they lose the people around them.

But his little will never be like this.

Just because the people around her have been protecting her, she has no chance to show herself.

After questioning, Yin Shaojie was relieved.

He sent Dr. Zhou away and turned back to the ward.

Mu Xiaoxiao was playing with his mobile phone and didn't care what he said to Dr. Zhou outside.

Seeing him coming in, he looked up, "You are back?"

Then he lowered his head and continued playing with the phone.

Yin Shaojie walked to the bedside, sitting on the edge of the bed, her long fingers raised, and she wanted to rub her face subconsciously.

Who knows, Mu Xiaoxiao raised his arm and blocked it.

"Don't touch me, I'm playing a game."

Yin Shaojie could not laugh or cry, "You still have the mood to play games?"

"Why not? I haven't played for a long time. When I just saw WeChat, I suddenly saw the game, and my hands were itchy." Mu Xiaoxiao played very intently, fearing that Shao Yin would interfere with her and moved to the other side of the bed mobile.

Yin Shaojie was depressed.

She had stuck to herself before, anxious to grow on him.

"I'm going to listen to your second inspection report. Would you like to go together?"

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, "No, you can go and tell me when you come back."

"Why don't you want to go?" Yin Shaoji asked, afraid she was still running away.

Mu Xiao's novel, "I want to play games."

Yin Shaoxian glanced at her, "This is a lie, tell the truth."

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