Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2426: Unforgivable sin (1)

Everything happened too suddenly. Although Mu Xiaoxiao kept guarding Han Yun'er, she did not expect that such a thing would happen, which made her stunned.

After such a slap, Han Yuner started screaming.

"Help! She wants to kill my child! My child!"

She also covered her belly with a pained face, as if she were the worst person in the world.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked back, and her eyes fell on her stomach involuntarily.

No bleeding ...

Does it mean that the stomach is kept?

Although she hated Han Yuner, it was a little life after all, and she didn't want the baby to be troubled.

It was originally on the third-floor stairwell, so Han Yuner's screaming attracted the attention of others. Many patients and medical staff came over.

"What happened? What happened?"

A head nurse asked.

Immediately after speaking, Han Yuner on the ground grabbed his clothes.

"Nurse, nurse ... the child in my belly, save the child in my belly!"

The onlookers suddenly became turbulent, pointing at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"The girl looked so pure. She didn't expect it to be so vicious. She actually pushed the pregnant woman downstairs."

"It's too bad? Shouldn't these two girls be rivals?"

"But ... I think this girl looks kind and not like that kind of vicious person. Maybe there is any misunderstanding in it? I'll wait till I figure it out."

Over there, Han Yuner was helped by the nurse.

The nurse asked her, "Where are you sick? Does your stomach hurt?"

But Han Yuner's attention was on Mu Xiaoxiao, and she was watching the crowd's reaction.

As soon as she heard someone defending Mu Xiaoxiao, her eyes turned ruthless.

Han Yuner pointed at Mu Xiaoxiao and said angrily, "Mu Xiaoxiao! How can you do this? I know you can't have children, you must be jealous when I'm pregnant, but you can't hurt me! If my child is gone , I must be desperate with you! "

Hearing this, the onlookers were uproar.

"It turns out that she can't have children, she's going to harm others, and her heart is too poisonous."

"It's just not human!"

"It's so vicious, no wonder you can't have children, it's worth it!"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, withstanding inexplicable scolding from onlookers.

She looked at Han Yun'er calmly, "Han Yuner, don't spit people in blood, I didn't meet you at all, it was you ..."

Before she finished speaking, Han Yuner deliberately grabbed words.

"Do you want to say that I fell down by myself? Am I stupid? I'm pregnant with a child and I fell down by yourself? Even if you want to get rid of the crime, you can't talk nonsense like this!

The others nodded, standing on the side of Han Yuner.

"That said, which mother is not careful, how could she fall down by herself."

"Let me call the police. Such a vicious person must accept legal sanctions!"

"Yes, look at her, don't let her run away!"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't run. Although the situation in front of her was not good for her, her expression was still humble.

"I said it again, I didn't meet her! It was she who had been pestering me!"

She knew that Han Yuner had no good intentions, but she never expected that she would do things with her own children.

Han Yuner, is this crazy?

Mu Xiaoxiao immediately felt sorry for the child in her stomach.

While crying, Han Yuner pointed at everyone and said, "Just so many people here have seen you push me! Did you all see it?"

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