Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2446: Make up for them (1)

Han Qiqing didn't expect that he would say no to drink, so he didn't know how to answer the conversation.

She looked a little awkward.

Subconsciously wanted to ask the housekeeper to ask if something happened, which made the brother feel bad.

However, she remembered that she had sent the steward herself to deliver soup to Xiaoxiao.

How to do……


Han Qiqing was worried, and walked to the kitchen, hesitating whether he should give a bowl of soup to his brother.

Brother should drink face, right?

When he wasn't sure what to do, the chef who was cleaning up the cooking table came over and whispered to her, "Miss, I think the young master may have misunderstood you."

"Misunderstanding?" Han Qiqing looked puzzled.

What's wrong with her brother?

The cook smiled and said, "When the young master came back, he didn't change his clothes. He followed the taste and came to the kitchen. He asked you about the soup. He might think that the soup was cooked by him. Who knows you asked the housekeeper to send it? The soup goes to Miss Mu. "

Han Qiqing was surprised, "Is that so? No?"

She thinks, my brother should not be like this ... uh, how to say it, after all, it is the iceberg brother, how could there be such a ... Aojiao emotion?

So she never thought about it.

But the chef said decisively, "It's so, it must be so."

Han Qiqing thought about it carefully.

When my brother came to the kitchen, it seemed to be in a good mood. When she asked the housekeeper to send chicken soup to the little one, her brother's mood suddenly changed.

Is it ... as the chef guessed?

Think of it this way, it seems that this is also possible.

Han Qiqing scratched his head tangled, what should I do?

She rolled her eyes, her eyes fell on the refrigerator door, and muttered quietly, "Or else, I'll make a special dish for my brother?"

The chef heard it aside and nodded in agreement. "This will do."

Han Qiqing was caught in a new struggle, "what do you do? Do you know what your brother likes to eat?"

"This ..." The chef frowned. "The young master doesn't seem to be picky, and eats everything. There doesn't seem to be any food that I particularly like, and I think, as long as it is a dish that you personally cook, young master must like it . "

As for what to do?

In this case, others will not dare to decide, and can only let Han Qiqing decide for himself.

Han Qiqing had a headache and turned over the materials in the refrigerator.

Fish, ribs ...

Why not make a sweet and sour pork ribs or boiled fish?

I don't know if my brother likes sweet and sour, or is it spicy?

To be small, Han Qiqing is very sure.

Thinking of it this way, she felt very sorry for her brother, and she knew all the tastes of her good friends, but she didn't know anything about her brother's taste.

"I'll cut some fruits for my brother ..."

Han Qiqing took out the dragon fruit and planned to cut it into pieces.

But she was thinking of something else, and the knife on her hand was relentless and cut to her finger.


With a loud cry, Han Qiqing raised his hand and looked at the place.

However, because the red heart dragon fruit was cut and the flesh was red, there was not much bleeding at the moment.

Han Qiqing issued a chin.

The servant on the side shouted nervously, "Miss cut her finger!"

The cook quickly said, "Come on, get the medicine chest!"

When Han Qiqing returned to God, his fingers were held by a pair of big hands.

"What's up?"

There was a deep voice in her ear, and her hand was pulled under the faucet.

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