Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2494: When you die of me? (1)

Zhao Xiaolu's heart trembled, and a hint of darkness seemed to penetrate into her heart.

She looked at Yin Shaoyan's eyes.

Suddenly there was an expectation, the kind of expectation that daydreaming would come true.

If she admits that the painting is her own, will he treat her differently?

Will he like himself, as those posts on the forum say?

Even if it was only one out of every ten thousand, she planted a seed of hope in her heart.

Zhao Xiaolu's hand on the side became a fist, and she opened her mouth to speak.


Everyone was watching her.

For the first time, receiving such attention made her nervous.

However, someone didn't wait until she spoke the second word.

"Of course it's her! Young Shao, these are all painted by Xiaolu!"

A figure came out from behind and hugged Zhao Xiaolu's arm in excitement.

It's her roommate!

Zhao Xiaolu didn't expect her roommate to follow him.

A roommate murmured in her ear, "I just kept calling you from the back. I said why you ignored me. It turned out that you rushed to find a young man. No wonder you went so fast."

Zhao Xiaolu smiled slightly.

She didn't know that Shao was here!

It's so coincidental, it's so coincidental that it feels like ... God's providence.

Is it really Providence?

Zhao Xiaolu stared at the uncle who was close at hand, and that handsome and beautiful face still had the unruly charm in her eyebrows, as if in his eyes, no one else could get into his eyes.

I really want to ... be the only one in his eyes.

How many girls are eager?

With a flattering smile, the roommate smiled at Zhao Xiaolu's hand and smiled at Yin Shaoji. "Shao, you should see those paintings on the forum, right? It's our Xiaolu painting. She has been secretly secretly in love with you ... "

Zhao Xiaolu became tense, and dragged her roommate's hand, begging her not to talk nonsense.

But the roommate's smile was even worse, "What's the embarrassment of this, you have to tell your heart what you want to know."

Zhao Xiaolu was in a disordered mood.

She never thought about letting him know!

Secretly like someone, knowing that there is no result, why let him know?

She just wanted to secretly like him.

Really ... is it just that?

A voice came to her mind.

Zhao Xiaolu panicked inexplicably, as if spying into the deepest thoughts.


Like a person, why not want to be with each other?

Even if it's just a secret favorite.

People's hearts are greedy. As long as they have a chance, they cannot be satisfied with secret secrets.

Zhao Xiaolu stared nervously at Yin Shaojie, his heartbeat accelerated, his face blushed.

The words of the roommates let everyone present know that Zhao Xiaolu was the master of those paintings on the forum!

After all, such a big gossip hardly anyone knows about this Suntech.

Everyone is more or less concerned.

In particular, many posts on the forum have been analyzed. What is your attitude after seeing those paintings rarely?

It just so happened that Yin Shaojiu and Zhao Xiaolu are now looking at each other face to face!

Yin Shaojiu also saw the painting on the book with his own eyes!

Does he really have any other thoughts about Zhao Xiaolu?

Although everyone knows that Yin Shaozhen has proposed to Mu Xiaoxiao, Yin Shaozhen has deep feelings for Mu Xiaoxiao, but what about that? However, because of this, a small number of people want to see them break up.

This is the evil side of human nature.

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