Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2496: When you die of me? (3)

Zhao Xiaolu felt embarrassed.

Even she could see that at this time, Yin Shaojie looked at her roommate with the look of an idiot.

"Xia Xie, give me the book, don't worry about it."

"Xiao Lu, don't you have such a soft personality ... what's the use of being so kind, and he can't see you well!"

"Stop talking ..."

As the two talked, a petite figure came over.

"Hey, Yin Shaojie, you asked me to come here ... What are you doing?"

It's Mu Xiaoxiao!

The first reaction of the crowd was: This is a great show!

Mu Xiaoxiao was called by Yin Shaojie, saying that there was something to show her, so she came over, but did not expect to see a group of people around.

What are you doing?

She looked puzzled, and confirmed that Yin Shaoyi was inside, so she squeezed in.

Yin Shaoxu's original grim expression, when she saw Mu Xiaoxiao, immediately melted, revealing a touch of tenderness that belonged to her only.

"You here? Let's go."

He was holding her by the shoulder and was going to take her aside.

There was a row of easels over there, he had prepared for her.

Mu Xiao's gaze fell on Zhao Xiaolu's face, and she felt a little gaze.

Looking down, I saw a notebook held by two girls at the same time.

This book ...

It's her!

Mu Xiaoxiao slammed his footsteps, and suddenly broke away from Yin Shaojiao's arm, quickly walking towards Zhao Xiaolu.

When Zhao Xiaolu saw her coming, her heart shrank, and she instinctively seized it and hid behind her.

Mu Xiaoxiao stood in front of her, anxiously only wanted to get the book, and said directly, "That book is mine, and give it back to me."

She spoke directly in front of so many people, which made Zhao Xiaolu's blood flow backwards, and her arm holding the book was stiff.

Zhao Xiaolu panicked.

What should she do?

"What did you say?" A sharp voice came from the front.

Zhao Xiaolu even felt that his heart was pierced by a sharp ice cone.

Yin Shaojiao walked over step by step, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, and asked with a look of surprise, "Xiao Xiao, you said, that book is yours? So the paintings inside ... are you also painting?

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and admitted, "Yes, I drew it. I came to school last night to get my book, and I wanted to show it back to you ..."

I want to make you happy.

Who knows, but lost it.

As soon as this remark was made, the crowd on the sidelines exclaimed, and then there was a loud noise.

Those paintings are from Mu Xiaoxiao?

No way?

Zhao Xiaolu's face paled suddenly, she felt complacent, feeling that she was being delayed by everyone's eyes.

At this time, her roommate stood up.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, why do you say this book is yours? Obviously this book is Xiaolu's!"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know if she wanted to, nor did she want to know.

She just wanted to get her book back.

"You ask her. She picked up my notebook. I don't know why she said the paintings were hers. It might just be a misunderstanding."

Mu Xiaoxiao was very smart and gave Zhao Xiaolu the steps.

Zhao Xiaolu clenched his notebook, and his hands were filled with cold sweat.


Her voice was shaking.

The roommate stood beside her, hugging her arm.

"Xiao Lu, don't be afraid! I know the book is yours, and the painting is yours."

The roommate said to Shang Muxiao ’s eyes, “Mou Xiaoxiao, you ca n’t rely on you being a modest girlfriend, just bully others! Say others’ things are yours! I can prove that these paintings are all Xiaolu painted!"

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