Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2590: I need you so much (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at him obliquely and pushed him out with his elbow.

"You go away!"

Yin Shaojie chased after her, entangled her to hug.

"Okay, let's go home."

Mu Xiaoxiao deliberately sang against him, broke his hand and said, "Who wants to go home with you, go home and eat yourself!"

"Where are you going then?" Yin Shaoji asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao hadn't planned where to go, just to talk casually. Seeing him ask such questions, if he didn't say where to go, he would lose face.

"I ... I'm going to find Qi Qing, yes, go to Qi Qing's house!"

Yin Shao frowned. "Why go to her? Isn't she going to take an exam? Maybe you are busy reviewing it. Don't disturb her."

They were sticky, and he didn't want her to leave.

Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him, "I finished my exam early, and I finished it yesterday. You don't care about people at all!"

Yin Shaojie laughed, "I care about you enough, why should I care about her, aren't you jealous?"

"No, Qi Qing is my best sister." Mu Xiaoxiao said shaking her head.

But she also knew that he only had her in his heart, so he paid little attention to other girls' affairs.

Yin Shaojie pinched her nose.

"Let's go and talk first."

Looking for someone else?

Humph! Did he agree?

Yin Shaojiu dragged the suitcase with one hand, carried her with one hand, and went out.

The hotel car is already waiting.

The manager also waited in person to see them appear, and diligently stepped forward to receive the luggage in Yin Shao's hands.

"I'm sorry, I'm here, I'm sorry, I didn't have a car in the morning, which delayed your time."

The driver pulled the car door reverently, guarded the door with one hand, and let Mu Xiaoxiao get in the car.

Yin Shaoxing followed.

The manager moved their suitcases to the back of the car and went back again, and said to Yin Shaoji, "Shaoji, welcome to come again next time."

"Um." Yin Shaoxi answered quietly.

The door closed, and the luxury car slowly moved away from the villa.

Mu Xiaoxiao propped his chin and looked out the window.

Near the hotel's main building, the road was slightly blocked because a car came in, and their car stopped.

She cast her gaze distantly into the distance, inadvertently falling into a somewhat familiar figure in her eyes.

She blinked.

Hey, isn't this anxious friend Wang Shiyu?

What a coincidence, An Anxin is here, and is Wang Shiyu here?

Are these two still close friends?

If this is the case, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't know whether to say that An An's heart is silly or that his mind is too broad.

At this time, she found that Wang Shiyu was intimate with a male uncle.

Wang Shiyu's boyfriend?

However, when the man turned his head and Mu Xiaoxiao saw his face, he couldn't help it.

She rubbed her eyes, and suddenly dragged Yin Shaojiu beside her.

"Yin Shaoxing, take a look, is that man ... is he an anxious boyfriend?"

She was afraid that she hadn't woken up and read it wrong.

Yin Shaoxing looked in the direction she was pointing, and said with a bow, "Well, it's him."

He also found Wang Shiyu.

The two were still stunned, at first glance it was not a simple relationship.

"These two ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying and sighed, and sighed, "I just couldn't believe it, so I asked you, and thought you had the wrong person. You said, would your boyfriend of peace of mind have a twin brother or something? ? "

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