Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2669: Better not ask (4)

She didn't want that.

Gu Pingyuan's side is very important. If Gu Pingyuan really runs away, the consequences are likely to be unthinkable.

Even if she was angry, Mu Xiaoxiao knew how to distinguish right from wrong.

She softened her tone and said to Yin Shaojie, "Okay, you go and get busy. I really don't care. Gu ... over there, be careful yourself."

Yin Shaojie took her little hand and looked into her eyes seriously.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at him, reluctantly stepped up and kissed the corner of his mouth.

"Rest assured? You go, I'm not angry."

At least, it's not angry.

Yin Shaoxi kissed her.

Mu Xiaoxiao pushed him, "Okay, it's not early, I should go to school."

Although Yin Shaojie was reluctant, she retreated and helped her to close the door.

"Wait for me to pick you up at night."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded vacantly.

She asked the driver to drive.

The luxurious Bentley sedan slowly opened the door of Yin's house.

Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting in the car, wondering why she wanted to look back at him, but she didn't look back.


The plan cannot keep up with the changes.

Because Mu Xiaoxiao is going to participate in an art contest, the school specifically allowed her to skip class this afternoon with the application of an art teacher, and the art teacher took her out to sketch.

The place of sketching is just close to Yin's.

Mu Xiaoxiao sent a message to Yin Shaoji to stop him from picking her up at school.

Before school time, she finished sketching and returned to Yin's house by herself.

The servants of the Yin family were scared to see her return early.

"Miss Mu, why are you back so early today?"

"Well, it's early after school."

I don't know why, she felt a little panicked.

The maid said, "Ms. Mu, cleaning upstairs is upstairs. Would you like to sit in the yard first and enjoy the fall day?"

Because it is winter, the sun goes early.

At this time, although it is not yet time to leave school, the sun is beginning to set in the west.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll take a walk in the yard."

Fortunately, today's wind is not strong and the temperature is not very low.

The maid sent her to the yard and opened the yard chair to let her sit.

"Ms. Mu, would you like some tea? Or dessert?"

Mu Xiao's novel, "Yes."

The maid knew her taste, so she stepped back and prepared.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't sit down, and the ghost was terrible. She went to the yard step by step, as if something was driving her.

As she walked, she kept looking up, looking at the sky.

The sun sets to the west, and the sky is stained with a beautiful orange-yellow color. There is a large cloud to the west, gathered together, and the edge of the cloud is reflected orange-red by the last rays.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked aimlessly and unknowingly went deep into the courtyard.

I don't know how far, she went under a tree.

She suddenly came back to God.

Under the tree, there was a small raised mound with a wooden board stuck in it.

Isn't this the grave she made for ‘big’?

She came here unknowingly.

Mu Xiaoxiao squatted down, looked at the small grave, looked at the words above, and looked at the grass next to it.

After looking for a while, she looked up and sighed.

"Ah, so annoying ..."

Annoying, annoying, annoying.


"What are you annoying?" A long figure jumped off the tree unexpectedly, the tall figure stood behind her like a mountain.

Hearing a familiar voice, Mu Xiaoxiao took a stun and turned back suddenly.

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