Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2720: Heart-to-Heart Distance (3)

However, Yin Shaojie felt very wrong.

Xiao Xiao and him seemed to be separated by something so that he could not touch her heart.

Obviously she was also laughing, obviously she was also reasonable, and obviously she let him hug ...

Obviously everything is as usual.

However, Yin Shaojie had a kind of uncomfortable feeling.

When he walked to the high school building, Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and asked him, "Are you going to the student union? I want to go directly to the classroom."

Yin Shaojie looked into her eyes. "There is still more than half an hour to go to class. Come with me to the student union, Qi Qing should be there."

"No, I want to go straight to the classroom."

"You go to the classroom at this time, and no one is here. Come on, follow me to the student union."

Mu Xiaoxiao did not insist and obeyed him.

When they arrived at the student union, they saw Han Qiqing lying on the sofa and playing with a cell phone.

Upon hearing Mu Xiao's voice, Han Qiqing's ears moved, and then he bounced off the sofa.

"Little! I sent you a lot of WeChat, didn't you see it? Why didn't you come to class this morning? Are you sick?"

Han Qiqing put on his shoes and quickly jumped over.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "Sleeping, so I didn't come."

Han Qiqing looked envious, "I really want to sleep late so I won't use it for class ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao held her hand and walked down to the sofa with her.

Han Qiqing glanced at Yin Shaoji, and murmured in Mu Xiaoxiao's ear, "That ... I thought about it all night, I think I still want to tell you."

"Tell me what?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly.

Han Qiqing said last night that Jiang Ruoqian asked Yin Shaoxi to be a boyfriend for ten minutes.

Mu Xiao's novel, "I already know."

"Ah? You know? Yin Shaojie confessed to you? So what did she do with that woman?" Han Qiqing asked in surprise.

Mu Xiaoxiao said indifferently, "What to do?"

Han Qiqing said excitedly, "Did you just forget it like that? The woman is so motivated and still living with you, and I will do something next minute. No, little, you still move back to the apartment with Yin Shaojie Stay, as far away as possible from her. "

Mu Xiaoxiao looked indifferent, "It doesn't matter, it's the same everywhere I live.

"How can it be okay? Little, you ... oh, I don't know if I should say ..." Han Qiqing frowned anxiously, looking at her, and finally said, "I'll tell you, last night Yin Shaoji knew that When Jiang disappeared, you did n’t know how nervous he was. Except for you, I did n’t see any girl who was nervous ... ”

She didn't want to tell Xiao Xiao, because she was afraid that Xiao Xiao would think too much and be uncomfortable.

After speaking, Han Qiqing looked at Xiaoxiao anxiously.

Who knows, Mu Xiaoxiao's face is calm, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.


Han Qiqing stunned, "Oh? You just‘ oh ’? Are n’t you angry? Do n’t you worry about what Yin Shaozhen has with that woman?

"If they have something, I can't stop it." Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

Han Qiqing was completely frightened and couldn't figure out what she was thinking.

"Little, what's wrong with you ... why don't you care about it?"

And she still laughs?

Is this still the little she knows?

Will it be dropped?

Mu Xiao's novel, "Well, I don't want to talk about this, let's play games."

Han Qiqing looked at her warily, "Little ... are you really okay?"

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