Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2743: Why are you not willing (2)

"Is there really no quarrel? Haven't you had conflicts before? Although you look like they are reconciled, I feel weird, and Shi Jun also thinks."

So she didn't feel alone.

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "It's been reconciled. Before ... it was a little misunderstanding, but it was explained clearly, you don't know, I always had a little trouble with him before, and it was all right after the trouble. . "

Han Qiqing said, "It's all right, let's go."

Seeing that she didn't follow up, Mu Xiaoxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes Qi Qing's carefree personality makes her feel good.

Mu Xiaoxiao got up, Qi Qing came together to hold her hand.

"Then tell me when you are free. I won't go to the movie first. Keep it. When you are free, accompany me to watch. Anyway, I don't want to watch it alone."

Han Qiqing said as he walked.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her and said, "You can ask Shi Jun to accompany you to see."

Han Qiqing said disgustedly, "I don't want to. He likes to watch such very deep movies, like this kind of funny, he doesn't like it, when the time comes again, I laugh a little, and I won't follow He goes to see. "

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Is it a funny movie?"

Han Qiqing nodded, and said with a smile, "All the online reviews said that they look good, and I like to watch funny movies without having to worry about it."

Mu Xiao's novel, "I like it too."

Han Qiqing seemed to find a like-minded friend, shaking her hand happily.

"Then we have an appointment to see it together?"


Not far from the high school building, Mu Xiaoxiao received a call from Yin Shaojiu and asked her to wait for him in the parking lot. He was delayed by a few things and asked her to wait a few minutes.

Mu Xiaoxiao hung up the phone and met Han Qiqing's smiling eyes.


Han Qiqing said, "Listening to the tone of your conversation, it seems you are really reconciled, then I'm relieved."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, "It's really hard for you, and I have to worry about my fight with him."

"If you're not happy, I'm not happy either."

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about something, his eyes dropped.

After taking a few steps, she turned to look at Han Qiqing and asked, "I ... I read an article today about the wish of a dying person. If, I mean, if it is you, there is not much time left. Now, what would you do with your wish? "

Han Qiqing answered directly, "Of course, if you wish, go ahead and complete it!"

"Then, if this wish is not what you want to accomplish, it is to ask others to help, but others are unwilling? So, will you use some extraordinary means?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her.

Han Qiqing tilted his head and thought.

"Should ... yes, I'm going to die. Of course, at this time, I have the greatest desire, how can I take care of the feelings of others."

This kind of thing should be done to anyone.

Han Qiqing added, "Of course, it can't be a matter of damaging the law. No matter how good it is, you can't do it."

Because of her words, Mu Xiaoxiao was silent for a while.

Therefore, Jiang Ruoxi's behavior is understandable, right?

She just wanted to fulfill her wish before she died, so she used some extraordinary means.

Mu Xiaoxiao asked Qi Qing, "If your boyfriend abandoned you and stayed with other women for the future, wouldn't you be reconciled?"

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