Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2800: Do not want to share with others (1)

She froze for a second, and before she could see it carefully, her eyes flashed and her phone was taken away.

Turning his head, Han Qiqing looked at his brother who always looked cold and indifferent.

At this time, a special fragrance came over.

"Miss, the pizza you want is ready." The maid walked over and said.

Han Qiqing went back to God and asked him, "Brother, are you hungry? Would you like to eat together?"

She noticed clearly that her brother frowned and refused coldly, "No, you can eat slowly, I'll go up first."

After that, he went upstairs with a mobile phone.

Han Qiqing only remembered that my brother didn't like durian.

The maid on the side also smiled and said, "Master does not like the taste of durian."

Han Qiqing whispered, "Durian is so delicious, why don't you like it."

The scent of durian is so aggressive that she can smell it clearly when sitting here.

The maid said, "Miss, the pizza has just been prepared, it's hot, go eat it, or it will be cold."

Delicious, Han Qiqing didn't think about anything else, got up and went to the restaurant.

Because she wants to eat alone, she makes a small-sized pizza.

did not expect……

Han Qiqing ate it all by himself.

After eating, I feel full and a little bit supportive.

"I seem to have eaten too much ..." Han Qiqing couldn't help crying and laughing at herself. Was this a change of sorrow?

The maid poured her tea to help digestion.

Han Qiqing felt very supportive. He didn't want to drink an extra drop of water, so he didn't drink.

The maid advised, "Miss, you have a drink."

Han Qiqing didn't agree, shook his head and said, "Don't drink, I went upstairs to take a shower."

"Miss ..."

Han Qiqing took two steps and touched his stomach.

Alas, it seems that I really eat too much ...

Forget it, just sleep when you're full.

She is on vacation now and can live the life of a pig girl to the fullest.

Sleep when you are full and eat when you are full.

Han Qiqing went upstairs and lay in bed after taking a shower.

She was chatting with Wechat while chatting on Weibo.

Fortunately, nowadays, the communication is developed. Even if they go to the United States, they can still contact each other.

"I just ate a pizza myself, but I still support it ..."

It's too late, and she wants to sleep a few more words.

However, as soon as this sentence was passed, she didn't wait for a reply from her, and she felt a little sick.

She covered her belly, and suddenly a tingling sensation made her cry.


what happened?

Han Qiqing froze for a moment, wondering if he had a bad stomach.

But it ’s impossible. She eats in her own house and uses the best ingredients. How could she eat a bad stomach?

However, the sensation of a stomachache came in bursts.

Han Qiqing rolled uncomfortably on the bed.

"It hurts ... it hurts ..."


She wanted to yell at her throat, but she felt so weak that she could not scream.

How to do……

Suddenly remembered that I was holding a mobile phone!

Stupid, forget this.

The WeChat page was still on the phone, but Yuan Shui could not save the near fire, so it was useless for her to ask for help.

By the way, brother!

Han Qiqing quickly called his brother.

A back pain came again, and her face was green with pain, and her hand holding the phone was shaking.

Fortunately, the phone rang and was connected.

"Hello." My brother's cold, low voice came from the phone.

Han Qiqing's voice cried, "Brother, my stomach hurts ..."

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