Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2808: You are thinking spring (1)

Of course Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know, he shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just didn't bite."

Actually she said a little guilty conscience, because she did bite.

Yin Shaojiao raised his chest and slender fingers poked at his chest.

The question mark on Mu Xiaoxiao's face shook his head in puzzlement.


Yin Shaojiu's eyes dropped, she was more straightforward, and told her by mouth.

His nice thin lips touched twice.

Mu Xiaoxiao reads according to his mouth shape, "Mi ..."

The second word was the same, but she couldn't say anything, and her face turned red.

"I ... I really bit you ..."

Yin Shaoxu's expression of aggrieved face rubbed a certain point in his chest, and hummed, "Do you know how much pain?"

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

She is still judging, is he lying to her? real or fake?

But looking at the expression of his complaint, it seems to be true ...

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose ..." I apologize first.

However, Yin Shaojie said that he did not accept it and made a fierce expression. He gritted his teeth and said, "I want to give back my teeth."

That expression, how evil look.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

He has to fight for his teeth, so he has to ...

Mu Xiaoxiao's face turned redder.

"you you you……"

Can this person be more hooligan?

If Yin Shaojie could hear her voice, she would definitely tell her-yes!

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks that this guy's eyes are not right, and the more he looks, the more evil.

So she yelled secretly and was about to run away subconsciously.

But it's late.

Yin Shaojiu clasped her **** thin lips and held her, her slender fingers curled her neckline ambiguously.

Mu Xiaoxiao was very sensitive. He was so stunned that his chest appeared pink, which looked particularly attractive.

The next second, he saw Yin Shaoxu bowed his head.

Mu Xiaoxiao's heart was beating wildly, and she felt that there was some soft place on her chest.

"Hey ..." She wanted to resist a little.

Yin Shaojiu turned a deaf ear to it, and a large hand got into her pendulum. First she touched her smooth skin, then slid over her slim waist, and probed her back.

He wants to ...

Knowing his intentions, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly hugged his arms to prevent him from messing around.

"Yin Shaoxing!"

Yin Shaoyi raised her eyes this time, a pair of deep black eyes staring at her with evil spirit.

"Do you dare to bite me in the future?"

How dare to bite her husband!

Mu Xiaoli's cheeks turned red. In this case, of course, you need to be familiar and say obediently, "Dare to ..."

Yin Shaojie looked at her so cute and well-behaved, and lowered her head and pecked at her lips.

He intentionally stopped his thin lips just two centimeters away from her.

Between the pulsations of breathing, if the lip of the two touched indifferently, it would be exciting.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt like he was hiding a fawn, and headless flies were running around.

His magnetic voice said dumbly, "Kiss me."

Mu Xiaoshui's eyes looked at him as if bewildered by his deep black eyes.

She moved closer and pressed his thin lips against her lips.

The moment the two lips touch, a chemical reaction of love occurs.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't notice what he was doing, and the soft cherry lips sucked at him, learning how he kissed her before.

Yin Shao's eyes narrowed and his breathing became heavy.

I just felt that such a kiss was not enough. When he wanted to do something, he felt a soft touch of his lips.

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