Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2814: It turns out he is so good (3)

Han Qiqing said, "No, I'm still used to being with Shijun."

"What shall I do?" Said Yi Wei in a poor tone.

Han Qiqing said, "How do I know what you should do? Don't make Shi Jun's idea and say that you are not suitable for him. Find someone else. Anyway, you are all playing and looking for something you can afford."

"I think Shi Jun can afford it. Besides, when I am in a relationship, do I give my feelings well? I didn't lie to him. Don't treat me as a bad woman ..." Xiang Yiwei couldn't help crying and laughing.

Han Qiqing snorted. "You're so good, why don't you go to Shijun yourself and ask me for help."

Xiang Yiwei said, "This is not because you and him are the best. In fact, I can do it myself, but I will tell you in advance, lest you and him like each other. I am a third party, so bad."

Most importantly, she didn't want to have a relationship with Qi Qing.

Han Qiqing frowned, and said depressedly, "Can't you stop looking for him?"

Xiang Yiwei obviously didn't want to give up, the little woman gestured, "But ... I like him, so I want to fall in love with him."

"How do you like him?" Han Qiqing was puzzled.

Xiang Yiwei said with a smile, "It was actually yesterday that I met him. He helped me, and I found out that he was so good. In fact, he was no worse than Ye Sijue!"

Han Qiqing and Shi Jun walked closest, of course, he knew that he was not bad.

It was because of the sharp edge of Yin Shaojie and Ye Sijue that Song Shijun looked less eye-catching.

In fact, she knows best that Shijun is outstanding.

After hearing Xiang Yiwei's words, Han Qiqing almost wanted to roll his eyes.

"Just because of this, do you like him? Will you like it too sloppily?"

Xiang Yiwei said, "No, it's an instantaneous thing to like someone. Didn't you like someone?"

Han Qiqing wanted to say yes, but didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't answer this.

Xiang Yiwei continued, "Did you not hear about love at first sight? I like someone, regardless of the length of time. Besides, I and Shi Jun have known each other for a long time, they are just unfamiliar, so love at first sight is not counted."

Han Qiqing knew she couldn't persuade her to let go of Shi Jun, and was a little helpless.


Xiang Yiwei smiled hesitantly, "Now that I know you have nothing to do with Shi Jun, I can rest assured that I am chasing you, right, you should hurry up with your boyfriend and fall in love. It would be a waste to not fall in love in your youth!"

Han Qiqing didn't talk to her at all, and she missed him very much at the moment.

"Well, I won't tell you anymore. Hang up."

Said to Yiwei, "The next time you dream about that dream, if you dream of your‘ True Son ’face, remember to tell me.”

"I won't tell you! Goodbye!" Han Qiqing hung up the phone directly.

With a long sigh, she threw herself backwards and fell onto the pillow.

I want to be small ...

I'm happiest chatting with Xiaoxiao.

Han Qiqing wondered if she could call Xiaoxiao and see if she was free to come out for a meal or something.

The thought of Xiaoxiao leaving soon, there will be less chance to meet in the future, and she couldn't help feeling sad.

In the giant circle, there are many people like Xiang Yiwei.

Therefore, although Han Qiqing has some friends, he will not be as close as Xiao Xiao.

She likes little!

Han Qiqing suddenly sat up and was ready to call Xiaoxiao.

As soon as my hand touched the screen, the screen turned on, displaying Song Shijun's name.

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