Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2836: Allowed (1)

Yin Shaojie is a very intelligent person.

With a pair of eyes on Mu Zhengbai, he realized that this sentence had no meaning, it was not so simple on the surface.

Remember that Mu Zhengbai just went to the small room ...

Shouldn't it be when he was outside the door that he happened to hear a joke about a small novel?

So he asked, how was his daughter 'sleeping', okay?


This is a bit awkward.

Yin Shaojie thoughts and thoughts how to answer.

Pretend not to understand?

Maybe it means self-review?

In the face of his higher experience, his maturity, and even his wise father-in-law, Yin Shaojie knew very well that he would detract from being clever.

Just when he was hesitant, Mu Zhengbai pulled the corner of his mouth lightly, his eyes had a meaningful meaning.

Mu Zhengbai said, "Think before you answer, this may be related to your future."

Yin Shaojie, "..."

From these words, Mu Zhengbai did know that he had spent the night in the small room.

Mu Xiaoxiao on the side was dumbfounded.

Dad just asked Yin Shaojie how well he slept, how could it affect his future?

Although she also realized that Dad had something to say, in front of these two men with high IQ, Mu Xiaoxiao felt that his IQ was not enough.

She asked, "Dad, what do you mean by this?"

Mu Zhengbai patted the sofa beside him and said, "Little, come and sit."

Mu Xiaoxiao always felt what the two of them had, and his eyes lingered between them, hesitating.

At this time, Yin Shaojiu spoke.

He said with a gentle smile, "Father, I sleep well."

The father-in-law answered the essence.

Mu Zhengbai looked up at him, with admiration in his eyes, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It is indeed his son-in-law.

Yin Shaojiu's black eyes moved slightly, and he carefully observed Mu Zhengbai's expression.

Is he thinking about something else?

In particular, he didn't understand. What did Mu Zhengbai's phrase ‘think about it and then answer, which may be related to your future’ mean?

Mu Zhengbai's eyes changed, a little less severe, and a little softer.

He motioned to Yin Shaoji to come and sit.

Yin Shaoxu rubbed his little head and said, "Go and sit with your father-in-law."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded smartly, "Yes."

Yin Shaojie sat on the single sofa on the other side.

Mu Zhengbai's gaze fell on him, and he said, "Shao, are you really planning to go to the United States with us? Think about it?"

Yin Shao bowed his head, without any hesitation in his tone. "Yes."

This matter does not need to be thought at all, it is an unquestionable choice.

"Then do you want to live with us or do you live alone?" Mu Zhengbai asked.

Yin Shaojie didn't meander, and said directly, "Whether your father-in-law is welcome or not, I decided to live with Xiaoxiao. In addition, it is convenient to take care of you.

Mu Zhengbai smiled, "I don't need to take care of you children."

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his arm and said affectionately, "Dad, I want to take care of you, shouldn't we say yes?"

She looked at Yin Shaoji, and continued, "Moreover, Shaojie was unfamiliar in the United States, and I was not assured that he lived outside."

"He is so big and he has become the heir of the Yin family. Naturally, his skill will not be bad. What can you do not worry about?" Mu Zhengbai asked her intentionally.

"I ..." Mu Xiaoxiao could not find a word to refute.

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