Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2892: Give it to someone I trust (1)

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes stared at her, her thin lips smiled, and suddenly Jun face put on her, kissed her in the clavicle, and said to her, "Since you can't sleep anymore, let's do some morning exercise, right? "

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Can she refuse?

However, it is too late.

A demon covered the quilt, covering the two, and then began to feel shabby underneath.

"Don't kiss here ... you tap ..."

The two fought a round early in the morning.

Yin Shaojie is like a gluttonous boy.

Tired of Mu Xiaoxiao.

She was sour at first, and now she didn't want to move anymore, she just wanted to lie on the bed.

Just lying down and lying hungry.

Yin Shaojie knew her so well that she didn't need to say anything, she had ordered the hotel to prepare breakfast.

After Mu snacks were full, he nested in the bed again.

She poked out her little head and sighed, "I feel like I'm no different from a pig now, I'm full, I'm full, and I'm lazy."

Yin Shaojiu sat neatly next to her, put one hand on her shoulder, and said with a smile, "Did you miss something? In addition to eating and sleeping, we also did a lot of exercise ..."

Before he finished speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao patted him.

Mu Xiaoxiao's face flushed, and Jiao stared at him, begging him to shut up.

She squirmed like a caterpillar, got into the quilt, and lay down.

Yin Shaojie patted the quilt. "Get up and get dressed."

Mu Xiao's voice came from the quilt. "Can't afford it, don't wear it."

Yin Shaojie smiled, reached in front of the quilt, opened a corner of the quilt, looked at her inside and asked, "Are you not planning to go home?"

"Going home?" Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised. "Don't you say ..."

Who said to stay in the hotel for 24 hours?

Is it 24 hours so fast?


Mu Xiaoxiao came out with a question mark and asked, "What time is it?"

Yin Shaoxing looked at the time on the phone and replied, "It's almost eleven."

Mu Xiaoxiao said, "Did I just wake up for breakfast? Why is it so fast and noon again?"

Yin Shaoji teased, "Do you know how long you've been in the quilt? You've got enough sleep, and it's time to get up."

However, a girl was lazy and didn't want to move at all.

She said lazily, "I don't want to wake up and go home at night."

Yin Shaoji said, "It's not home yet. Take you out."

Can't really be in the hotel all day.

He doesn't matter, he's afraid she can't stand it.

With her two-person world, he only wanted to do that, especially since she now exuded the taste of being loved, which made it even more difficult for him to control.

However, even yesterday to today, there were too many times, and he was afraid of putting a burden on her body, so it was better for the two to leave the two-person world.

Listening to his explanation, Mu Xiaoxiao blinked his **** grape-like eyes.

She pursed her lips and said, "All right."

Yin Shaojie got up and brought her clothes.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned on the bed and said to him, "You go out, I want to change my clothes."

"I've seen, touched, kissed, and never done anything? Are you still embarrassed to wear clothes in front of me?" Yin Shaoji laughed, but turned and went out.

A few minutes later, a small voice came from inside the room.

"You can come in."

Yin Shaojiu went in and saw a girl who was dressed still leaning lazily on the bedside and beckoning him.

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