Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2952: He doesn't hurt her anymore (1)

The maid immediately worried, "Miss, you seem to be sick, and your face is a bit red, have you got a fever?"

Han Qiqing frowned, preventing the servant from touching his forehead.

"I'm fine. I just want to eat breakfast now. Hurry up and prepare it for me."

The servant didn't dare to neglect, so he went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

It was breakfast, and it was almost noon when Han Qiqing finished eating.

She was stunned.

In particular, Li Yizhen was in her house, which made her feel annoying. She simply went upstairs and stayed in her room.

Lying on the bed wrapped in a quilt, Han Qiqing thought: Really let Song Shijun say that she was going to stay at home with mushrooms.

She reached out and took her mobile phone from the bedside table to send a message to Song Shijun.

All the complaints in his heart vomited to him.

"It's annoying, the woman actually came into my house."

"I feel like having a nightmare, a terrible nightmare."

"What is self-sustainment, self-injustice cannot live, and I finally realize it."

"If I can, I want to pick up the broom and kick her out of my house!"

"Shijun ... I'm so sad. I seem to be sick ..."

She sent a lot of WeChat in a row.

Song Shijun did not reply to her.

She was already in a low mood, coupled with her discomfort, making her mood even worse.

It's noon, he can't wake up yet.

What is he doing?

She didn't return her message ...

Han Qiqing was depressed and depressed at the moment, it was really depressing.

Oh oh ...

She suddenly wanted to be small.

How did she feel that she was not happy after she left? Still unlucky?

It seems that she cannot be without small.

Thinking about it, she picked up her phone again and sent a message to Xiaoxiao.

I paused with my fingers and deleted the words that I was sick. I didn't want to worry about it, so I just said that I really miss her.

After sending, she dropped her phone and let herself fall asleep.

May be really sick.

She slept very restlessly, as if in a dark mire.

In the blur, it seems that someone is walking around in front of her, and the sound around her is very noisy.

Who's so noisy in her room, how can anyone make it sleep?


Han Qiqing only felt angry.

After some time, she opened her heavy eyelids, only to find that her room had changed.

Left, right, front and back, all sides are white ...

No, this place is a bit familiar.

It looks like a hospital?

Han Qiqing frowned. How could she be in the hospital?

With a deep sigh, she pursed her dry lips.

So thirsty ...

"Qi Qing, are you awake?" A big hand was placed on her forehead. It should be a warm palm with a slightly cold touch.

Han Qiqing raised his eyes hard and saw Song Shijun above his head.


Is she dreaming?

She clearly remembered that she was sleeping in her room ...

Song Shijun noticed that when she woke up, she stood by the bed, looked into her forehead, frowned, and said, "It seems that the burning has not returned yet."

Han Qiqing said vaguely, "I have a fever?"

"Yeah, you fool, you do n’t tell your family when you are sick. If I did n’t call you all the time and I could n’t get through, I was worried if something went wrong. You, otherwise, you are going to be burned as a fool. "Song Shijun was a thorough training for her, but his voice was very soft.

Han Qiqing was puzzled. "How could I have a fever?

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