Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 804: In order to meet you (6)

"Let's be fair. I have 3 goals and you have 15 goals. Who of us will hit our own number first, even if we win? How?"

Feng Shengyang raised his eyebrows. "This is fair?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "I think it's fair! Are you right?"

The two people she asked were not right, and they laughed wryly.

Mu Xiaoxiao said very cheekily, "Look, they're all right, so that's it, shouldn't you be afraid that I will win you?"

Feng Shengyang smiled, "No, I just think it will bully you a little."

Mu Xiaoxiao was stared at him by the army.

Wait and see!

There is no need to wait for Feng Shengyang to order, the man knows how to win the ball.

Feng Shengyang signaled to Mu Xiaoxiao, "Ms. is preferred."

Mu Xiaoxiao was also rude, wiped the pole, and kicked off.

Unfortunately, the kick-off is not good.

Feng Shengyang scored six goals in the first round.

Mu Xiaoxiao was anxious.

Feng Shengyang glanced sideways at her, wondering if it was intentional, the ball rubbed the hole and crooked to the side.

Mu Xiaoxiao was relieved.

"It's my turn." She stepped forward confidently, scoring the ball sharply.

Feng Shengyang narrowed his eyes. Although it is not too difficult to score at this angle, it is not easy for a girl to achieve this.

It seems that this girl really has two sons.

After Mu Xiaoxiao entered another one, the whole person was proud. "Hey, I win again if I enter another one."

Unfortunately, I do n’t know if she ca n’t see her in the sky, she let her pole slide down and did n’t enter.

Mu Xiaoxiao was annoyed.

Feng Shengyang walked over, glanced at the ball on the table, looked at her, and said ridiculously, "You said, should I give you another chance?"

Seeing him like that, he felt confident that he could get in.

Mu Xiaoxiao put her hands around her chest, provocatively, "You go in and talk, don't just talk big."


Feng Shengyang told her in action that he didn't say a lot.

Scored eight consecutive goals.

There are fourteen in total, which means that he has one left to win.

Mu Xiaoxiao was suddenly anxious, this guy is too powerful!

Seeing that he was about to score a goal, she turned her eyes strangely and suddenly walked to him and yelled into his ear.


The white ball hit was crooked and did not score.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled happily, "Ha ha ha ha ... I didn't enter! I still have a chance!"

"You cheated." Feng Shengyang stared at her.

"This is a warrior." Mu Xiaoxiao tongue out at him playfully.

Feng Shengyang smiled, looking at her lovely expression, his eyes could not help smiling.

In fact, he has a bad temper. He usually hates being cheated by others, but her appearance does not make him feel a bit of resentment, and even thinks that this girl is very interesting.

Mu Xiaoxiao won with the last ball left, so he took it seriously and aimed for a while.

As soon as the pole was shot, a figure rushed forward.

Her sight was affected, and the ball hit the way out of line, not even touching the side of the yellow ball.

"You—" She glared at the man who disturbed her.

The man said sorry, "Sorry, my feet are a little slippery."

Feng Shengyang was very clever. He didn't do it himself, but made his eyes look, let others disturb her.

"It's my turn, the tiebreaker." Feng Shengyang laughed, picked a position, and set his posture, but instead of watching the ball, he looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with a burning eye.

"By the way, do we seem to forget the bet?"

(Well, Shui Shui is a slow-heating person, so writing is relatively slow. Do n’t worry, I ’m going to play soon ~ I want to see you, I ’ll vote ~)

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