Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 808: Dare to love his woman? (4)

His dark eyes were also slightly bent, and the suggestion in his eyes was obvious.

She is now cured, can you compensate him for being left out these days?

Afraid of being heard by others, Mu Xiaoxiao quickly pushed him and said, "Okay, go ahead and talk!"

Anyway, even if she did n’t nod, at night, when the two were sleeping in a bed, if he wanted to do something to her, she could n’t help it, right?

This guy, just looking for some name is just asking her to take the initiative.

Thinking of a previous initiative, Mu Xiao's face turned red.

After Yin Shaoqi got up with a smile, she fanned her cheek with the palm of her hand, dissipating the heat.

A man who accompanied him asked with a wink, "Miss, you just played a game just now. Are you thirsty? Would you like some drinks?"

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't expect to order any more, and nodded happily and said, "Okay, is there a menu? Show me."

I can imagine that there will be a wonderful showdown next time, how can we get popcorn at this time!

"Are there popcorn?" She asked.

The man paused and said with a sullen expression, "Popcorn? It doesn't seem to ..."

It's not a movie theater. How could there be popcorn.

But her expression was so obvious that it was totally a playful gesture, which made the man's mouth twitched.

He held the menu with both hands and flattered, "You just have to see what you want, just tell me."

"Okay, thank you!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked up at the beginning of it, and wasted no time. He just flipped around and ordered some water and snacks.

When the menu was turned back, the game over there also started.

Unlike the way she just played, this time the two played regular snooker rules.

Mu Xiaoxiao was holding the seeds while admiring the peak matchup.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the peak matchup is really.

Even the so-called Aceh, who is the third in the national game, was so absorbed that he kept his eyes on the table without blinking.

As there were fewer and fewer **** on the table, Mu Xiaoxiao watched the game and became tense, not even thinking about eating seeds and eating potato chips.

Another person was counting the scores next to him.

With the last three goals remaining, whoever can score two wins.

Now it's Yin Shao's turn.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it, ran up to cheer him up, "You must win!"

Yin Shaojie looked at her holding her fist, her mouth raised, and motioned to her, "Give me a piece."


Mu Xiaoxiao looked down and looked at the potato chips in his hand, did he mean to eat potato chips?

"Do you want this?"

Yin Shaojiao nodded.

Mu Xiaopui took a slice and handed it to his mouth.

Yin Shaojiu held it up and licked her finger with the tip of her tongue.

Mu Xiaoxiao shrank his hand back as if he had been electrocuted, his shy eyes glared at him.

This scene made the two men next to each other look at each other and coughed awkwardly.

Feng Shengyang's eyes were heavy.

Yin Shaojie chuckled at her, "I'm thirsty."

"Oh!" Mu Xiaoxiao quickly turned around and went to get him water.

Then he heard the sound of hitting the ball behind him, and then the sound of falling into the bag.

When she turned her head again, she found that he had scored a goal.

In other words, if he scores another goal, he wins? !!

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