Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 811: Want her to coax him (1)

Feng Shengyang said with a smile, "Did you not report to you? Why? Suddenly jealous now?"

Su Lin paused for a moment. "Then ... are you with her now? How is it going?"

"It didn't go well." Feng Sheng Yan sat on the billiard table, took out a cigarette from his pocket, put his mouth in his mouth, remembering what had just happened made his eyes a dangerous arc.

Things were more troublesome than he initially thought.


Feng Shengyang's mouth tilted slightly more interestingly than he expected.

He hadn't encountered such an interesting thing for a long time, which made him a little excited.

Su Lin listened to him in a light tone, as if he thought he didn't care about Mu Xiaoxiao, and he felt better, and his voice returned to the kind of tenderness. "I said it before, Mu Xiaoxiao is not easy to seduce. It seems that your charm is not good enough. "

"Yeah, what to do, I'm so sad right now, Lin Lin, would you please comfort me?" Feng Shengyang laughed with a mockery, and also deliberately aroused her.

Su Lin seemed to hesitate for a while, "Then ... come and see me. You said you came to see me, but none of them came. I thought you were only thinking of Mu Xiaoxiao, and you didn't have me in your heart."

"How is that possible? Of course, I have only you in my heart, Mu Xiaoxiao is nothing." Feng Shengyang casually said sweet words.

Su Lin was really helpful when she heard this, and her voice was a bit pleasant. "Then come over now, just accompany me for lunch?"

"Okay, but ... I think I should remind you about your plan? Just now Yin Shaomin brought Mu Xiaoxiao back, and depending on what they look like, there should be some" emotional exchanges ". Do you think about it? At this time, what should I do? ”Feng Shengyang intentionally reminded.

Su Lin really thought about it for a while, "All right ... I'll take care of it myself."

Feng Shengyang spit out a cigarette, his eyes looked out the window, and said quietly, "Lin Lin, have you ever thought about giving up Yin Shaoyan? They look very good, it seems that you can't break them apart. You are so persistent ... I'm afraid you will be hurt, I will be distressed. "

After thinking about it, he added another sentence, "However, I also understand you. Today I contacted Yin Shaoyu. He is indeed a very strong man. Even I lost to him. No wonder you are so fascinated by him. "

"You ... did you lose to him?" Su Lin asked in surprise.

"Yeah, his family is better than me, he is better than me in all aspects, and he is dedicated to feelings, so it's not that you cherish him so much that you choose him instead of me." Feng Shengyang continued, his mouth narrowed With an inscrutable smile.

Su Lin shuddered over there, "When, of course not like that ... I don't like him because of these, I only like him, and you are great, don't say yourself like this, I will Distressed."

"Well, don't say anymore, wait for your good news."

Feng Shengyang hung up the phone after speaking, his eyes narrowed in the smoke, looking a little weird.

The two men next to him looked at him in astonishment, only to find this person too complicated to make people guess.

Who would exaggerate the enemy like this?

Isn't this the intentional push of the girl you like to the other side?

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