Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 825: You promised me

Su Lin said these words to herself, her face full of illusions of happiness.

Yin Shaojie didn't listen to what she said at all, but just secretly removed her hand.

"Sit back in bed, OK?" He said softly.

"Not good." Su Lin shook her head and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, obediently, your foot injury is not good yet, so getting out of bed will cause secondary trauma. Don't you want to get better soon?" He appeased.

Su Linton paused and sat back on the bed.

Yin Shaoyi lifted her cast foot and put it on the bed, letting her lie down just like before.

"Shit, don't go!" She anxiously wanted to catch him.

"Well, I won't go." Yin Shaojiu pulled a chair, sat down beside the bed, looked at her and said, "Did you say that? Let's talk about it, I just have something to ask you."

"Okay, what do you want to ask?" Su Lin reached out and wanted to take his hand, but Yin Shaoxu skillfully avoided it.

Yin Shaojiu placed her hand on her thigh naturally, looked at her with a smile and said, "You said before, I promised you something, but I forgot, can you tell me what it is?"

Su Lin looked at him bitterly, "Why did you forget it? You promised me to compensate my birthday gift ..."

Hearing that, Yin Shao suddenly surprised, "It was a birthday present."

Thinking about it that way, he did promise her, and gave her a birthday present.

Yin Shaojie has some headaches, so he can eat food randomly, but he can't talk freely! In particular, casual promises cannot be made casually.

"Is there anything else?" He continued to test.

Su Lin didn't say, but just said, "Shao, when will you make up my birthday present? I want a special birthday present, okay?"

"I promised you and I will make it up for you." Yin Shaoxu nodded, glanced at the time, and decided to leave.

He stood up and said, "Okay, you have no time to take a lunch break, so I won't bother you to rest, I'm going back to school."

Su Lin looked at him reluctantly, "Can't you stay here with me?"

"I'm going back to school." Yin Shaoji explained it again, then glanced at her expression and went out.

After closing the door of the ward, he had deep eyes wondering what he was thinking.

When he got back to the car, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

"Help me find out what Su Lin did to America ..."


Afternoon in the afternoon.

When they learned that Feng Shengyang was going to hold a fan meeting in Shangde, the girls rushed out of the classroom and ran to the meeting place.

Less than half a minute after class, only Mu Xiaoxiao was left in the classroom.

The boys in the classroom looked at the girls who ran madly outside and couldn't help but tease, "This scene is just a zombie movie!"

"If you look at it, it's different from Mu Xiaoxiao, not fascinated by the beauty of that big star."

"Can this be the same? Mu Xiaoxiao has a lot of young people, who is not inferior to that style."

"I think Shao is more handsome!"

"Feng Shengyang and Xi Shao are two different types of handsome men. Girls are looking at their faces, so it's hard to say, wait and see, I see Mu Xiaoxiao is pretending, she will definitely go to the fan meeting."

"Isn't it possible? It's impossible for Shao to let her go?"

"Which girl can resist the charm of a handsome guy? I also bet Mu Xiao will go."

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