Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 873: She is Mu Family (1)

He slowly kissed her tears.

How could Yin Shaojie not hear her? Her voice was so hoarse that she must have been crying for a long time, right?

This silly girl.

After the two hugged for a while, Yin Shaoji looked around and realized that something was wrong.

The body was still sloping, and the surroundings were very dark. It was nothing like a rescue scene.


Yin Shaoxuan looked down at the silly girl buried in her arms, how is she here? What about the rest?

He wanted to push her away and ask her what was going on.

But she just pushed it a little, and the girl hugged it tightly, as if she couldn't leave him, her hands were still behind him, and she clasped tightly.

Yin Shaojie had no choice but to let her continue to hold her.

At this moment, a voice sounded from the outside, "Brother ..."

Yin Shaoxu raised his head slightly, and saw a beam of light, then Feng Tianqi's figure, he ran to the door of Feng Shengyang's car.

Feng Shengyang had been watching the figure hugging each other. Unexpectedly, he heard Feng Tianqi's voice, and a dark shadow blocked his vision.

Feng Tianqi wanted to open the door, but when he couldn't pull it, he patted the window vigorously.

"Brother! Are you okay?"

Feng Shengyang saw him a little bit happy, raised his right hand and opened the door.

The door was quickly opened, Feng Tianqi got into the co-pilot, and flashed at him with a flashlight on his mobile phone. He asked worriedly, "Brother, have you been injured?"

Feng Shengyang shook his head. He wanted to get up, but noticed that his left arm was numb, and his feet seemed to be stuck in it, which made him hardly able.

He simply gave up.

"Why are you here now?" He complained with a bit of complaint.

Feng Tianqi touched his nose a little embarrassed. He wouldn't dare touch it if it wasn't for Mu Xiaoxiao to be safe.

"Did you call rescue?"

According to the current situation, he can't go out, he can only rescue himself by rescue.

Feng Tianqi nodded, "Called, probably in a while, brother, you insist on it. Is there any trouble?"

"You be quiet, my head hurts." Feng Shengyang frowned and interrupted him, lest he kept nagging. Although his left hand could not move, his analysis should only be a temporary neurological problem. Now it is the most important. It was his brain, maybe a concussion.

The boy Feng Tianqi didn't know to speak lightly.

Talking against his ears in this way made his head even more uncomfortable.

Hearing what he said, Feng Tianqi had to shut his mouth stunned.

"So, then I went out and looked at the situation."

With that said, Feng Tianqi climbed out of the car and was about to see Mu Xiaoxiao's situation. Who knew he saw the figure hugging each other, which made him pause.

It happened to match Yin Shaoyan's eyes.

Yin Shaoji asked, "Why are there only you two? The others?"

Feng Tianqi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao buried in his arms with admiration and explained, "Just as we were down, the others were on it, and I didn't dare to come down."

Yin Shaoxin sighed and tightened his arms.

Although he had guessed this, he was still hesitant to hear the confirmation of others.

This girl is really, how can you do such a dangerous thing ...

However, my heart was inevitably warm.

This shows how important she is in her heart.

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