Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 922: Want to give yourself (10)

"It's so beautiful ..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, his pupils enlarged, and couldn't bear to blink, and stared blankly at this beautiful scene.

Yin Shao held her shoulders and pressed her lips against her hair. "It's really beautiful."

But the most beautiful is you at this moment.

There was a tender smile at the corner of his mouth.

On the other side, Han Qiqing jumped excitedly, "It's beautiful! It's beautiful! It's so beautiful!"

She also dragged Song Shijun's arm and shook it vigorously.

Song Shijun was tortured by her and smiled bitterly, "Don't shake me!"

"It's so beautiful! Don't you think it's beautiful?"

"It's beautiful, of course it's beautiful." But you can't toss me.

Song Shijun looked up at the dotted night sky.

I have to admit that it is really beautiful.

Mo Xiaomeni was also stunned, his little hands intertwined with his mouth, and he looked at this beautiful picture stupidly.

The crowd in the square was also screaming in wonder, all looking up at the scene and recording it with their mobile phones.

After a while, Kong Ming's lights drifted away.

It was late, and the crowd dispersed.

Han Qiqing said contentedly, "Well, let's go back to sleep!"

Song Shijun walked beside her, one hand on her shoulder, and whispered, "You are also cunning enough, in order to satisfy your selfish desires, cheat less and save money."

That's right, the reason why there are thousands of people putting Kong Ming Lanterns is that, as he said before, someone bought such a porous Lantern for everyone, let everyone put Kong Ming Lanterns at the same time.

Han Qiqing glanced at him, "I'm teaching him how to coax little happy!"

Song Shijun nodded, "But it's really worth it."

I have really seen such a beautiful picture, and I will always remember it in my heart, and it is difficult to forget it.

Han Qiqing stretched his waist, "It's so sleepy, I went back to sleep!"

Today, I'm so happy!

The six people walked back to the courtyard courtyard with laughter.


In the room.

Mu Xiaoxiao was going to pull out her luggage to take a bath, but Yin Shaojie pulled her up. "I have something to tell you."

"What?" Mu Xiao looked at him puzzled.

"About Su Lin." Yin Shaoxu's expression was a little dignified.

Looking at him like this, Mu Xiaoxiao thought that the situation should not be very good. She guessed, "You came here so late today because of Su Lin?"

Yin Shao paused and didn't answer directly, but took her to the sofa next to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao wants to know more, "What about your mobile phone? Why do I keep calling off when I call you?"

Yin Shaojie smiled bitterly, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and showed it to her.

"Did we not spend the night at the hospital last night? The phone was not charged, so it ran out of battery soon."

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, indicating that she knew that her mobile phone was also out of power, and then it was charged in the car.

But he came by helicopter. Shouldn't he be charged on the plane?

"You met Su Bobo, what did you say?" She knew what he wanted to say, so she offered to mention it.

Yin Shaojiu seemed to be thinking about what to say.

If you want to confess to her, then what happened between him and Su Lin must tell her.

In fact, he never wanted to hide her.

Even if he really had a relationship with Su Lin, he didn't think there was anything to hide, after all, it was all a thing of the past.

He didn't hide her because he was afraid she would be unhappy when she knew it.

But because ...

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