Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 949: Want to Give Himself (37)

The other party typed very quickly and sent it back almost next second.

--by! Don't mention it again! Never mention it again! All for me to forget!

Yin Shaojie successfully replied with a smile and reverted to the past.

——This is a bit difficult. After all, the process is so wonderful. I heard that you met that person again later?

The other party was stimulated by him, and he didn't talk back, and attacked the computer on his side directly.

Yin Shaoxing responded easily, flipping his fingers on the keyboard.

After a few rounds, the two were tied, and neither one broke into the other's computer.

On the way, Yin Shaojie was worried that the sound of the keyboard would make Mu Xiaoxiao look up, and looked up to confirm that she slept soundly, then she was relieved.

After another round, the other party sent a word over.

——Yes, I found the trace of that guy. I wo n’t talk to you anymore. I ’m off. By the way, I'll let you know, you will come next week.

Yin Shaoxuan glanced at the time he said and frowned.

——Change the time.


——Wife's birthday, no time.

——... Shu Enai, die fast!

Yin Shaoji raised his eyebrows, and no matter what the other party said he had to leave, this time he attacked the past. After the other party dealt with it, he hurried down the line.

Think you can't attack you when you go offline?

Yin Shaojiu's mouth twitched a bad smile, and his long fingers fluttered on the keyboard.


City hospital.

Having spent so many days in the hospital, Su Lin was almost at the limit, and these days Yin Shaozhen did not visit her, making her feel like she was forgotten.

This feeling made her particularly unhappy, and smashed something in the ward after dinner.

The nurse lady was terrified, and no one dared to approach this ward.

"I'm fine. You don't listen to the nurses talking nonsense. I don't want you to come over. I tell you, don't come here. Did you hear me? I'm fine. I don't need you to come and see me! If you dare to come, I'll run out immediately! "Su Lin yelled into her phone, her expression a little sloppy.

The mother-in-law on the cell phone was helpless and coaxed, "Okay, we're not going to the hospital. You are good, my mother will see you again tomorrow? You go to bed early tonight."

"Yes, that's it. Don't call me anymore, I don't want to listen." Su Lin was full of anger, and hung up the phone by herself.

But no one was chatting with her, and she suddenly felt that the ward was empty, which made her even more uncomfortable.

"I'm going to be discharged! I don't want to be hospitalized again!"

Su Lin lifted the quilt violently and got out of bed impatiently.

The plaster on her feet has been removed. In fact, the injury is not as serious as the doctor said. As long as you do not do strenuous exercise and take a good rest, it is basically no different from usual.

Su Lin's patience is on the verge of exhaustion.

Especially these few days, don't say that Yin Shaoxin hasn't seen her, even Feng Shengyang's figure has disappeared.

Feng Shengyang had always been so enthusiastic about her. Although she still talked to her on the phone these days, she felt a little cold to her in action.

Su Lin has been spoiled since she was a child.

She was a little annoyed and simply called Feng Shengyang and wanted him to come to the hospital to accompany her now. Even if he was busy now, she had to call him willfully.

Regardless, she must be the most important!

However, the phone couldn't get in, no matter how bad the signal was.

Su Lin frowned, didn't he say he was in the hospital?

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