Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 966: Little you will be fine (3)

Boom—A loud noise, no one expected that this small bomb would be so powerful, the car was blown up.

The shock wave lifted several people a distance.

This loud noise even slightly shocked the inpatient building not far away. Many people wondered what happened and hurried out.

Fortunately, this is the hospital. Someone soon discovered the explosion and saw someone injured. The ambulance staff of the hospital hurried over.

Yin Shaojie was also buzzed by his ears, and he looked at Xiaoxiao for the first second of his return.

Little, however, lay on the ground, motionless.

"Little ... Little--" He got up and ran, almost stumbled.

Feng Shengyang was also awake later, and looked at him after hearing his shout, but his brain was shaken. When he remembered, his figure was still shaking, but he persisted and walked over.

"How's she doing?" He asked Yin Shaoxing weakly.

Yin Shaojie held up Xiaoxiao. First, she checked her breath and confirmed that she was still breathing. Then she tightened her heart and let go.

He hugged the petite her tightly and called her with a trembling voice, "Little, you wake up, you wake up."

"Yin Shaoyu ..." Feng Shengyang called him stiffly, "Are you ... a little blood on your hand?"

Yin Shaoxi lowered his head, only to find that his hands were wet, because of the lack of light, so at first glance it was not what it was.

But Yin Shaojie felt it was blood ...

Warm and blood with body temperature.

It's small ...

His heart tightened sharply, his eyes were red, and his voice choked, "Little ... you will be fine ... little."

Feng Shengyang saw the ambulancemen coming and screamed, "Hurry up and save people!"

The ambulance staff was frightened, and they wanted to see the person lying on the ground over there. He was so shouted that he came here quickly.

Yin Shaoji wants to pick up Xiaoxiao, but the ambulance officer said, "Her head is hurt. It is better not to disturb her. Wait a moment, the bed will be pushed over immediately."

Within a few seconds, the movable bed was pushed over. Yin Shaojie picked up the little one, put it on the bed, and followed the ambulance staff.

Feng Shengyang wanted to keep up, but suddenly thought of Su Lin.

He turned to look over, and saw Su Lin lying on the ground as if she had no sound.

Is she ... dead?

Judging by the distance of the explosion, Su Lin was closer to the bomb, and the car was blown open, and debris came over, and she had some large car debris around her.

Soon, other ambulance personnel came over.


The morning sun was scattered on the ground, the breeze blew the curtains, and the light spot was shaking on the ground.

Lying on the white bed, Mu Xiao slowly opened her eyes. When she was about to move, she realized that her hand was being controlled by something.

Looking back, I saw a handsome boy standing on the edge of the bed.

Her hand was tightly embraced by him.

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, trying to withdraw her hand, but this action awakened the boy.

The boy raised his head, and the handsome facial features suddenly appeared in front of her, making her eyes wide open in unison.

So handsome guy!

"Little, are you awake? Do you feel uncomfortable?" He asked her anxiously.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze and blinked dumbly, "Who are you ..."

Yin Shaojie froze.

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