Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 983: I only want you (1)

She said earnestly to watching him, "I will work hard to remember!"

Yin Shaojiu's eyes softened and she touched her head. "Silly girl."

"Okay, I'm going to bed, you go out now, don't bother me." Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his neck under the quilt and kicked him out.

After she had spoken, she subconsciously glanced at him underneath, still bulging, and she was ashamed, pulling up the quilt to cover herself.

Yin Shaoxu noticed her recent sight, and subconsciously glanced down, and couldn't help smiling.

Unexpectedly she was found.

No wonder she suddenly choked to rest.

Knowing she wasn't really uncomfortable also reassured him.

He patted the quilt and said, "Don't be boring, I'm going out, you should take a good rest."

"Huh!" Her voice came from the quilt.

Yin Shaojie went out and went to the bathroom.

Sighing silently, it's time to take a cold shower again.

When can we live a happy life without having to take a cold shower?


Mu Xiaoxiao originally just used an excuse to return to the room to avoid embarrassment. Who didn't expect to really fall asleep? The quilt may be too comfortable, or the odor of the quilt made her feel at ease.

When she opened her eyes, she noticed that the light outside was not so bright and looked like the sun was going down.

"Hmm ..." shouted subconsciously.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little sleepy, and after a moment of relief, he forgot what he had just called.

She stretched her waist and felt more conscious, so she looked around the room with her eyes open.

Where is this

Oh, remembered, she lost her memory ...

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about things, got out of bed, and walked to the dressing room.

After a while, she wore a skirt and came out with a white base. There was a layer of see-through lace printed with ink butterflies on the outside and black lace on the lower body, which outlined her legs thin and white.

A ringtone rang, and she went out to see that her cell phone rang.

Looking around, what about Yin Shaojie?

At a glance at the caller ID, it was a number without remarks, and she answered without thinking too much.

"Hey." She sat on the sofa, hugging a pillow.

"Little?" There was a very nice male voice over the phone, with a strange charm.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know who the other party was, so he said, "I'm Xiaoxiao, who are you?"

"I'm Feng Shengyang."

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked. Who is Feng Shengyang? Is it her friend?

However, if he was her friend, why didn't his name be noted on the phone?

She suddenly remembered that Yin Shaoxi had told her not to answer the phone casually!

There is also something about her amnesia, and she can't tell others casually.

She shuddered, pretending to remember and said, "Oh, Feng Shengyang, is there anything wrong? I'm a little busy now, so ..."

Feng Shengyang interrupted her and said bluntly, "Did you lose memory?"

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little bit shy. How did he know that she had amnesia?

But she was still vigilant, did not admit it, and in turn asked tentatively, "No, why do you think so? Who told you that I have lost memory?"

"Have you forgotten? We were injured together last night. I wanted to go to the ward today to find you, and then I knew you were discharged from the hospital. Then I learned about your memory loss." Feng Shengyang's voice was a little low.

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