Endless Plunder in High School DxD

The Devil's High School: Endless Plunder Chapter 816

Karamay and Siris have the artifacts [Magic Sword Creation] and [Holy Sword Creation] shared by their masters, and Irina and Xenovia even use the legendary holy sword Excalibur and Durandal's Holy Sword Envoy. .

The girls have always been quite confident in their swordsmanship, not to mention among their peers, even compared with those master masters, they are not inferior at all. However, what frustrates the four girls is that the opponent is fighting against them at the same time. Not at all down!

"Well, I've had enough, get out of the way!"

Irina was also a little annoyed after a long attack to no avail, she let out a coquettish cry and jumped into the air...

Knowing that Irina was about to use her ultimate move, Xenovia, Karamay, and Sirius quickly backed away, while Irina in the air chopped down with a sword:


The brilliance was dazzling, and with the shout in her mouth, Irina slashed a huge light cannon towards Souji Okita below.

The sharp sword was sheathed, and Okita Souji stepped forward with a horse step and made a posture of Iai slash:

"Draw the knife!"

With a flash of sword light, Okita Okiji's long sword had been sheathed again, but a soaring sword aura flew out, and the light cannon from Irina was cut in half directly, and the sword aura was still unabated from Yilina. Lina's head flicked across.

Looking at her strands of hair that fell down, the corners of Irina's eyes twitched, and she felt her little heart shudder...


"Be careful, Asachel."

"Oh, now it's my turn."

Different from the fierce battles on several other battlefields, the battle between Michael and Asachel was carried out in an unusually "leisurely" manner.

Michael threw a spear of light, and Asachel easily dodged it. Azazel threw a spear of light, and Michael easily dodged it. The two just hit each other like this, just like throwing a ball.

The others also pretended to hit a few times at the beginning, but they didn't even bother to put on the act in the end, and they all sat or stood by and watched Michael and Asachel's performance.

"That's it, that's it, just a little harder."

Odin, who asked one of his subordinates to pinch his shoulders and used his weapon [Eternal Spear] as a crutch, had a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Your Excellency Odin, is it not good for us to do this?"

"Those little girls are fighting desperately, but we are hiding here and being lazy, why don't we go and help them?"

It was also Zeus who was sitting next to him, who couldn't stand it anymore, and suggested aloud.

"If there's anything wrong with it, I think it's pretty good."

"Our task is to contain Michael and the others, and Michael's task is to contain us. If we are going to support other people, Michael and the others will have to fight hard to stop us."

"Look here with peace of mind, Zeus, it is no longer the era of us old guys. The fate and future of this world are now in the hands of those young people."

"To be honest, I'm really surprised. In just over a month's time, Tianluo boy has become so much stronger again, and he is even on par with the God of the Bible."

"Maybe the situation is not as bad as we imagined, and we still have hope."

After yawning, Odin said slowly.

Sighing, Zeus also knew that Odin was right. The outcome of this battle and the fate of this world were beyond their control. The only thing they could do now was to wait here quietly.

Looking at Tianluo who was fighting with the God of the Bible in the distant void, Zeus couldn't help feeling complicated——

Chiryuutei, for the sake of this world, for the sake of countless races, you must not lose...

To be continued...

Chapter 0655 Thousands of Artifacts

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! !

In the void, a crimson and a golden streamer continuously intertwined and collided.

It is the God of the Bible and Tianluo!

The battle has lasted for more than an hour, but instead of showing any signs of slowing down, the fierce battle has intensified.

Boom! ! !

Another collision, Tianluo grabbed the hands of the God of the Bible, black, white and blazing red flames blazed from his body, and then pounced on the God of the Bible.

The three kinds of flames are Vrito's Cursed Flame, [White Flame Hands]'s Divine Fire White Flame, and Ddraig's initial skill Flame of Flame. Even if it is a god-level existence, if it is not careful, it will be burned to nothing.


Feeling extremely painful, the God of the Bible shouted loudly, and then abruptly rolled all the flames back to Tianluo's body.

They retreated a certain distance from each other, Tianluo dissipated the flames on his body, and then a gorgeous bow appeared in his hand with a flash of brilliance, it was one of Tianluo's artifacts [Blue Light Arrow]!

Holding the bow and pulling the string, he condensed the arrow with all his strength, and then the blue light arrows were shot out by Tianluo.

The light arrows shot out by Tianluo were only the size of ordinary arrows at first, but they expanded extremely rapidly during the flying process. When they got close to the God of the Bible, each of them was already tens of meters huge, even a big mountain could be shot easily. burst!

The alarm bells were ringing in his heart, and the God of the Bible naturally didn't dare to let those light arrows hit him, and his body flickered and kept dodging in the void.

After shooting dozens of arrows in a row but unable to hit the opponent, Tianluo snorted coldly, his eyes locked on the God of the Bible, and then shone with a strange light.

【Stop the evil eye of the world】!

[The evil eye that stops the world] has little effect on the existence of the God of the Bible, it can only freeze him for a moment, but this moment is enough!

With a bang, a huge arrow of light hit the God of the Bible, a huge flame exploded in the void, and a violent energy storm spread in all directions.

For an ordinary opponent, this blow would be fatal enough to end the battle, but the opponent is the God of the Bible, and it is simply impossible to defeat him with just a light arrow.

Without hesitation, Tianluo immediately activated [Warcraft Creation], a huge monster hundreds of meters condensed in the void, and then roared and swallowed the God of the Bible in the void together with the sparks of the explosion.

Even so, I'm afraid it won't be able to trap the opponent for too long. As expected, the body of the monster continued to swell and swell, and then it exploded with a bang of light!

Standing in the void, the God of the Bible looked a bit embarrassed, but he didn't stop. He palmed the sky and then a crimson energy ball of destruction condensed out of the sky above his head.

Ten meters... Hundred meters... Kilometers...

In just a few breaths, a huge energy ball with tens of thousands of meters in length appeared in front of Tianluo's eyes!

With a wave of his hands, the God of the Bible controlled the energy ball to fly down, causing Tianluo's eyes to jump wildly.

Covering the sky and covering the earth, the huge energy ball exudes endless coercion as if it wants to crush everything. If it is outside, such an energy ball is enough to easily destroy a town.

No, not even a country!

Feeling cold, Tianluo knew that if he couldn't accept the opponent's move, he would definitely die!

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