Endless Plunder in High School DxD

The Devil's High School: Endless Plunder Chapter 831

Naturally, he took the reactions of these leaders into his eyes, and even the stingy Tiandi lord was now an honest baby, and a smile appeared on the corner of Tianluo's mouth.

This is the benefit of power and power, and it feels really good.

The reason why Tianluo specially introduced Gurefia and Frefia is not for showing off. In the future, Gurefiya and Frefia will serve him as his maids and will appear in many public occasions, and they will also compete with various Dealing with powerful people to deal with some things for him, now that their identities are confirmed, it will also save a lot of trouble.

In addition, Tianluo promised that Frefia would let her be herself in the future, instead of continuing to be a fake of Grefia, and publicly confirming her identity can be regarded as fulfilling her promise to her.

"Then, let's talk about the business now. I wonder why the seniors and leaders want to see me?"

As soon as the voice changed, Tianluo said, and the entire conference room fell silent.

Although Tianluo knew the purpose of these leaders looking for him, but he knew that he knew, and the style of the words he said carelessly was different.

Tianluo had a gentle smile on his face, but all the leaders looked at me and I looked at you. It seemed that no one wanted to speak first, and in the end it was Asachel who was on the side and said:

"Since none of you want to speak, let me speak."

"Tianluo, you are too strong now, whether you or your [Holy Devil Sect], or even the influence brought by you and Rias, has become so strong that everyone feels uneasy. "

"Today, you will give everyone a letter. How do you plan to treat us? Do you plan to destroy all opponents like the God of the Bible and establish a world completely under your control, or do you have other plans?"

As Asachel's voice fell, everyone held their breath and stared at Tianluo without blinking.

Even the big bosses couldn't help their heartbeat speeding up and felt a long-lost tension, because Tianluo's answer would determine the fate of all of them and even the whole world!

In fact, not only these big bosses, but also Rias and Cang Na are also nervous and apprehensive at this time. They also want to know Tianluo's answer, whether he wants to dominate the world alone or something else Intend.

But no matter what Tianluo's decision is, they can decide the fate and pattern of the world by themselves, and they are all deeply proud of their ideal person!

Scanning the entire conference room for a week, Tianluo could naturally feel the tense atmosphere in the crowd, so he also slowly opened his mouth and said——

"I did also think about not destroying all opponents and those who get in the way, building a world completely dominated and dominated by me, and turning the whole world into my amusement park."

Although Tianluo's voice was not loud, it made all the big bosses break into cold sweat instantly.

The Red Dragon Emperor actually had such an idea! ! !

"However, even if that would satisfy my ambitions and desires at the beginning, it will become boring after a long time. This world, as expected, makes it more exciting and interesting through its diverse development."

"So, please rest assured, I will not do anything to you, nor will I do those things that the God of the Bible intends to do. Everyone will be the same as they were before."

Smiling slightly, Tianluo said again, while the big bosses and leaders who heard the sound were deeply relieved.

It really scared them to death just now.

No one doubted the authenticity of Tianluo's words. With his current strength, there was no need to lie to them. If he really wanted to dominate the world alone, no one could stop him now.

Thinking of this, all the leaders couldn't help but smile wryly. Whether they were in this world or not, in the end, it was because of Chiryuutei's personal interest that they avoided a catastrophe.

Although it is a bit ironic, it is not incomprehensible. For the current Chiryuutei, there is nothing that can restrain him, whether it is power or status, so for him, his personal preferences and interests are the most important. Bar!

However, just when the leaders and big brothers thought that this matter would be over like this, Tian Luo said again:

"Of course, I also have a request..."

To be continued...

PS: Chapter 0661 The chapter of Gurefiya has passed the application and can be read. This is the fourth chapter, and there are two more chapters tonight...

Chapter 0665 New Demon King Organization

After hearing Tianluo's voice, the leaders became nervous again.

Since Chiryuutei said that he has a request at this time, then this request is obviously not that simple!

"Tianluo boy, tell me about your request, as long as it's not too much, we can agree to you."

After taking a puff of cigarette, old man Odin spoke.

Although the other leaders didn't say anything, they obviously agreed with Odin's opinion.

It is normal for Chiryuutei to give up his ambition to dominate the world and make some demands. As long as it is not too much, no one dares to offend him at this time.

"My request is that all of your territories will be unconditionally open to me [Holy Demon Cult] in the future, allowing us [Holy Demon Cult] to build churches, spread beliefs, and recruit believers in your territories."

"We [Holy Demon Cult] will not interfere with your rights and control, but you are not allowed to interfere with our [Holy Demon Cult]'s free activities, you must not hinder us from recruiting believers, and you are not allowed to persecute any member of our [Holy Demon Cult]. All affairs of the [Holy Demon Cult] are completely handled by us."

"Well, isn't this request too much?"

Tianluo said with a smile, and the entire meeting room fell into a moment of silence.

Tianluo's words are very clear, he wants to spread his [Holy Demon Cult] to the territory of all forces, that is, to the entire world, and other forces are not allowed to interfere with their [Holy Demon Cult] spreading beliefs and recruiting believers .

[Holy Demon Cult] has absolute autonomy, and other forces are not allowed to interfere with their [Holy Demon Cult] affairs!

Is this asking too much?

Of course it was too much! ! !

It is unbearable just to let [Holy Devil Cult] build churches, spread beliefs, and recruit believers in their domain! And more importantly, [Holy Demon Cult] actually requires absolute autonomy, no matter what those believers do in their territory, they cannot be sanctioned. Is there any believers in [Holy Demon Cult] in their territory? Killing and arson can only be left to them to handle by themselves?

There is no more excessive request than this! ! !

If it was in the past, no leader would agree to such a rampant and excessive request. However, compared with the current situation, all the leaders have to think about it.

[Holy Demon Cult] The recruited believers are all high-quality young girls. To put it bluntly, that guy Sekiryuutei just wants women. The whole world knows his little hobbies. If he only uses some women in exchange for his own race It seems that it is not unacceptable to continue to survive with the forces.

Although the existence of the [Holy Demon Sect] in the territory of one's own power makes people feel a little uncomfortable, just like others have planted a thorn in their body but they still can't pull it out, but according to what Chiryuutei said, as long as [ The Holy Demon Sect] does not interfere with their control and other things do not seem to be unbearable.

Constantly weighing gains and losses in their hearts, the leaders of the big bosses have almost made up their minds...

The silent atmosphere in the conference room lasted for a long time, and Tianluo was not in a hurry, anyway, he had plenty of time to wait slowly, and he didn't speak again until he felt that it was almost done:

"I should have thought about it. Can the leaders and seniors give me an answer?"

Although Tianluo's attitude was still so gentle and polite, all the leaders and bigwigs smiled bitterly in their hearts.

"You brat is really greedy."

"Let's agree with the fallen angels, anyway, the corners of our feet have almost been dug by you."

Asachel's voice, with a sigh, took the lead in expressing his attitude.

It must be some broken jars, just as Asachel said, the corners of their fallen angels have almost been hollowed out by Tianluo.

In the past, Checia and the others were only secretly luring some fallen angel girls to join the [Holy Demon Cult] to believe in Tianluo, but since the last leader meeting announced its existence, Cecia and the others have become blatant and blatant. Just run back to seduce the remaining fallen angel girls, don't be too rampant!

So far, the female fallen angels have gone in sevens and eighties, basically there are only a few left. Although the members of the fallen angels are mainly male, it is not a big problem for those female fallen angels to leave, but the entire Gregorian Now there are only a group of old men left, which is quite depressing.

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