Endless Plunder in High School DxD

The Devil's High School: Endless Plunder Chapter 839

PS: The sixth update is completed, and the book will be finished tomorrow! ...

Chapter 0673 Maid and fiancée


A few minutes later, Tianluo walked out of the Kendo Department with his back supported again.

Of course, counting the time in [Time Domain], it would be a few hours, and he also held a grand farewell party with the girls in the dojo again...

Although I have to leave here after entering school, the distance between the University Department and the High School Department of Kuou Academy is only ten or twenty minutes away, and I can come back anytime in the future, and Tenraku also made an agreement with the girls to go to the University Department first to become the Kendo Department Minister, and after they enter the university department, I can teach them how to practice swords.

Well, teaching in various senses, sword practice in various senses...

One last glance at the Kendo Department behind him, Tianluo turned and left without nostalgia.

But just when Tianluo was about to meet up with Lias and Junai, he met three girls on the way.

Walking in front is Abe Kiyoya, the head of the tennis department with an elegant temperament and golden curly hair, and behind Abe Kiyoya are her two familiars—a winged girl named Harpy and a member of the Lamia clan. Snake girl.

Because it is at school now, the Winged Girl and Snake Girl are showing human form at the moment, using magic to hide their wings, claws and tails, they look like ordinary human girls Same.


"Qing Ya."

Walking closer, Abe Kiyoya hugged Tianluo, and Tianluo also smiled and stroked the girl's forehead:

"Have you all said goodbye to your other friends?"

"Well, it's time to say goodbye."

"Then let's meet Rias and the others and go home."


Let go of Tianluo, Abe Qingya took Tianluo's arm, and then a group of four walked towards the Supernatural Research Department, preparing to join Rias and the others.

From the beginning to the end, Tenraku and Abe Kiyoya behaved very intimately, not like ordinary classmates and friends at all.

But the fact is true, Tianluo and Abe Kiyoya are not ordinary classmates and friends now, but the relationship of fiancée!

As the eldest daughter of the famous Abe family who used monsters, Abe Qingmei has now reached the age of marriage. As the head of the family, her father is urging her to go on a blind date all day long, which annoys Abe Qingmei.

About two months ago, the troubled Abe Qingya finally thought of a way, that is to find a boy to pretend to be her boyfriend to deal with her father.

Although she is a young lady from a famous family, she is also very popular in Kuou Academy, but Kiyoya Abe doesn't really know many boys, and among the boys she knows, she has a good relationship with her, and she barely likes it. Only Tianluo, so Tianluo received her request, hoping to pretend to be her boyfriend and go to her house to deal with her father.

Although a little speechless, Abe Kiyoya helped Tenraku and Rias in the past, so Tenraku did not refuse in the end, and went to her house with Abe Kiyoya to pretend to be her boyfriend and prepare to deal with her father grown ups.

Originally, I heard that my daughter had found a boyfriend. Abe Kiyoya's father was still preparing to test the other party. After all, his daughter is precious. Not all kinds of bums are worthy of it, but when you look at it The people who went there were the well-known Chiryuutei in the industry and Ye Tianlao, the holy lord of the [Holy Demon Cult], and Abe Kiyoya's father knelt down immediately.

It is understandable for ordinary people not to know who Shen Ye Tianluo is, and no one cares about you, but if you, as a member of the magic world, don't even know who Shen Ye Tianluo is, then you can really eat shit La!

Abe Kiyoya's father was surprised and delighted, when will he not embrace such a golden thigh now?

So under the dumbfounded eyes of Tianluo and Abe Qingmei, Abe Qingmei's father entertained Tianluo with great enthusiasm, made a marriage contract for the two in a hurry, and then dragged Tianluo to drink for a day and a night, one bite at a time The son-in-law screamed happily.

All in all, because some things happened later, just like Rias at the beginning, the relationship between Tenraku and Abe Kiyoya was faked, and Abe Kiyoya was also captured by Tenraku and became his fiancée. Now they have even moved to Shenye's house to live with everyone.

Of course, apart from Abe Qingya, Tianluo had two other fiancées in the past few months.

One is Akeno's cousin, the current head of the Himejima family, Himejima Suzaku, and the other is the next head of the Agares family in the underworld, who was one of the kings of the new generation of demons with Tenraku and Rias. One of Sigvira.

The Himejima family said that in order to improve the relationship between humans and demons, and for the sake of a friendly and peaceful future in this world, their Himejima family is willing to take the lead and marry as a representative of the human side with the underworld demon Phoenix family, so that the eldest daughter of the Himejima family will be the incumbent Patriarch Himejima Suzaku became the wife of the fourth son of the Phoenix family, Kamiya Tenro.

The Agares family said that in order to enhance the friendship between the Agares family and the Phoenix family, and to promote the development and exchanges between the two territories, the Gaares family is also willing to marry the Phoenix family and let their next head, West Guevilla became the fiancé of the Red Dragon Emperor Yatenluo.

Many families and forces secretly cursed the shamelessness of the Himejima family and the Agares family. They clearly wanted to embrace the golden thigh of the Chilong Emperor Shen Ye Tianluo, but they said it so righteously.

Although they looked disdainful on the surface, they were actually envious and jealous in their hearts.

They also want to send their princess daughters to become Sekiryuutei's fiancées, but they must have the qualifications that Sekiryuutei wants.

Although Tianluo really likes beautiful women, not everyone can be his fiancé and wife.

Rias, Zhu Nai, and the Cang Na girls have a deep bond with him, and they are companions and family members he truly recognizes, so they are naturally different from others.

Abe Kiyoya and Tenraku have been acquainted for a long time, and some things happened later, and they also established an emotional relationship with Tenraku. Himejima Suzaku is Akeno's cousin, who once fought against 666 with Tianluo and the others. Sigvira is also a good friend of Tianluo and Rias, and Tianluo and Sigvira already had that kind of meaning long ago.

Although they have some relationship with their respective families, it is no problem for them to become Tianluo's fiancée...

As for the others, it's okay to come over and be his maid and so on, but let's forget about the fiancée and so on!

Annoyed by the marriage requests of those families and forces all day long, Tenraku directly asked Ravel and Kunou, who are his managers, to convey his meaning, thinking that those families and forces would dispel those thoughts, But after all, Tianluo still underestimated his influence as the person standing at the top of the world...

"Master, welcome back!"

Tianluo and the girls of Rias returned from school, while hundreds of maid girls stood on both sides of the aisle at the door of Shenye's house to welcome them back.

Each of these maid girls is born with stunning beauty and extraordinary temperament, and each of them exudes powerful magic power or spiritual fluctuations, which are far beyond the comparison of those ordinary maid girls.

This is also a matter of course, after all, they were once the proud daughters of the major families and major forces.

But now they all have only one identity, and that is the maid of Chilong Emperor Shen Yetianluo!

When those families and forces sent these girls over, Tianluo was also a little surprised and speechless, but they sent the proud girls from their own families and forces here only to be a maid or maid to serve him. It's really unreasonable to refuse someone.

And as there are more and more people in the family, it is really hard for Maru, Brent, Aisha, and Valerie to do all kinds of housework and cooking for everyone every day, so Tianluo simply sent these girls Also took them all down.

Appointing Gurefia and Frefia as the head maids, these girls who were sent here all became the private maids of the Shenye family. After being trained by Frefia, all of them are top-notch as maids now.


"Grefia, Frefia, I'm going to sleep for a while, call me again at dinner time."

After yawning, Tianluo walked into his room with his arms around the waists of the two maid girls.

Although everyone is also saying goodbye to the graduation ceremony, but he has worked hard for many hours, even his iron body needs to take a good rest now.

The two maid girls who were randomly held by the waist by Tianluo walked into the room and prepared to be used as pillows. It seems that one is Her Royal Highness Princess of the Celeos family, and the other is a genius magician from a famous magic guild. So, there seemed to be two of them among the maids who slept with her a few nights ago.

Well, no matter what their previous identities were, now they are just Tenraku's maids, as gifts from their family and the Magic Guild to please Tenraku, and everything is at the disposal of Tenraku...

To be continued...

PS: The next chapter, the 40,000-character chapter, is the end chapter of this book

Chapter 0674 new reincarnation

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